Day 11 continued

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We get back and flop down on the sofa in front of the TV. I want to find out more about what help there is for Matty with his drug problem, so when he's in the shower I borrow his MacBook. A year or so ago at school we'd had an assembly about drugs and they'd put loads of posters up around school. One was by the board in History so I'd see it out of the corner of my eye. The website was something like... Frank?! I can't remember exactly so I type 'frank drugs' into google, not expecting anything to come up. Talk to comes up and I click it. There are lots of tabs like 'A-Z Drugs', FAQ's and then at the bottom it says 'worried about someone?'. I click this and read:

"Not all drugs are addictive, but some drug users do develop a dependence. People who are dealing with addiction usually:

1. Feel the need for the drug regularly.

2. Have a constant supply of it.

3. Have failed to stop using.

4. Will do things they normally wouldn't do (such as stealing)."

I think about this for a second... Matty definitely fits 1 and 2... I don't know if he's ever tried to stop using so I don't know about 3... And he did steal that dress for me but I think he would've done that regardless as a cute gesture. I read on about how I can actually help him:

"A good thing to do is keep your friend away from situations or places which might entice them - like say the pub or a mate's house. Rather, show them some other things to do to keep themselves busy.

There are a number of ways to get the information you need to help your friend. You may want to know more about the drug by exploring our A-Z of drugs, read about treatment or to find out what services are available to you locally. And of course, you or your friend can call FRANK anytime on 0300 123 6600 for confidential advice."

Well... I can't control where he  goes because I don't live near him or anything... I guess I just need to ring the helpline or something?! I get my phone out and start to type the number into a note on my phone, just as Matty comes through the door

"Hey gorgeous!" He says "what you looking at?" I start to close the lid of the laptop

"Nothing" I say a little too quickly

"Ooo what are you hiding, looking at dirty tumblr blogs?" He teases "come on, show me!" He tries to take it playfully and opens the lid. He freezes. "What's this?!" He sounds confused and a little angry

"It's for you! It's help... Help with your drug... Thing we talked about, remember?"

"Look Hols, I've been thinking and I really don't think I need any of that stuff, y'know? I mean, there are people who are way worse than me! And it's not like it's affecting me badly or anything!"

"You did community service for it, Matty!"

"Yeah I know you don't need to fucking remind me! ...But that's done now! That was over a year ago!"

"Look, I don't know if I can be with someone who does drugs every day, Matty! It will come between us! I mean... I don't want to be... I dunno, 4 years down the line, identifying your body!" My eyes well up with tears. The words hang in the air. There is silence.

"Are you saying that I have to choose between the drugs and you?" He says bluntly. I think about this for a second


"Let me look then." He opens the lid of the laptop more and reads. I'm so relieved that he loves me enough to consider this, I feel bad making the threat but equally it needed to be said. We talk for a long while and eventually agree that Matty will take no drugs for the next 3 days while with me, he'll dispose of half of the coke he got and try and cut down to three times a week. We will FaceTime every day to try and remind him why he's doing it and eventually we'll whittle it down to none at all. If this doesn't work he'll see a doctor. We kiss and then cuddle up on the sofa. My stomach starts rumbling and I realise it's 7 already! I go to the fridge and ask him what he wants, he asks me to surprise him so I put in 1 chicken korma ready meal and 1 spicy moroccan tagine. When they're done I dish them up and we watch Come Dine With Me. We talk over it and it definitely lightens the mood. Afterwards Matty wants to watch a film, so we look through his dad's colossal collection of DVD's. I look and see 'True Romance'

"You have this on your wall don't you?" I ask

"Yes! It's my favourite, I love it!"

"I've never seen it" I say

"You've never seen True Romance?! Oh my god Hols we're watching that tonight!" He takes it out of the case and puts it into the machine. "There's a really good drinking game for this" he smiles cheekily "wanna do it?"

"Yeah!" I reply and he brings it up on his phone as he walks to get a bottle

"Okay so basically you drink when; Elvis is referenced, drugs are shown or mentioned, anyone is injured, anyone kisses, anyone smokes, anyone says "wife" and when anyone says 'Clarence'"

"Wow" I laugh "were gonna get so wasted aren't we?"

"Yeah, babe" he winks and unscrews the Bombay Sapphire Gin, taking a swig and offering it to me. It's very dry and makes me splutter a little.

The movie is good but strange and very 90s. I can see why he loves it. We drink almost constantly for the first hour and are soon way to drunk to continue. We kiss messily and start to feel sleepy. The credits come up and Matty says

"I'm notgonnatellher" he slurs

"You're not gonnatell... Who? What?" I ask

"Mymum... I'm not gonnatellher about... Dad"

"Why? Sheshouldknow" I say

"Nah... She'llgetupset and I don'twanna be the one to tellher" he looks really sad all of a of a sudden "I'll telldad I know... Andthen lethim... Tell her" I nod and smile to myself, resting my head on his lap and shutting my eyes.



Talk to frank is a real organisation and all the info in this chapter is from their website! Have a look if you have a friend you're worried about, you're experimenting with drugs or if you feel you'd like to know more about drugs.

I looked up loads of stuff on legal highs before going to festivals last summer and it helped me to know what I'm being offered and make better decisions! I may make the drugs Holly and Matty do in this fic seem cool sometimes, but they can ruin/end lives and you need to be careful.

Thanks for helping me reach 200 votes! Amazing! :D


// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now