Chapter 18

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Finally, a long day came to an end and with thousand times worse cold I walked through the corridors to meet Emily but then I loud sneeze almost made see black dots in the wide lights. I stood there trying to regain my body's equilibrium. But then I felt a hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" I heard a boyish voice and I nodded without even looking behind.

"But you don't look like." He said standing in front of me.

He was that Australian boy from my accounts class of Professor Keith Brooks. And that's the only thing I recall about him.

"Kaiy..." He began to ruin my name with another weird pronunciation which almost made me chuckle.

"Kavya." I said and he got a little flustered.

"Carter." He said and I took his hand for a handshake.

"You look sick?" He questioned but before answering, I sneezed.

"'s just cold." I told him and although he nodded but it did looked like he wasn't buying my answer.

"Come let's get going." I smiled and we walked towards the parking area.

"Sooo you are from India?"

"Yes from Delhi and you are from Australia, right?" I asked even though I knew just to build the conversation. We have met earlier and even sat beside each other in the class but never conversed..

"Yup from Canberra."

"Wow so, what bought you here?"

"I had applied to various college and got accepted here. I am." He told me.

"Great." We reached the parking lot and spotted Emily's car as she waved at me.

"My friend is there." I told him and he looked behind to see Emily.

"Oh...Okay...sooo...bye then."

"Bye." I smiled politely and walked towards her car.

Emily had been driving me to my dorms and it's like a routine now. She was insisting me to miss the last lectures as I wasn't feeling well but somehow I managed to sustain until the last class. Noah was riding with us today as his car broke down and since their parents were coming today and he had to be home on time. It wasn't the first time Noah was coming with us, he had joined us once before as well and I must add this, that we are slowly but gradually becoming friends too.

"Hi Kaveviya." He said and I groaned in annoyance. His still pronounced my name wrong even though I have corrected him thousand of times. It's like "kavya' doesn't roll out of his tongue properly.

"Hi." I said feebly as I sat on the passenger seat as Noah was already sitting on the back seat.

"New guy...I see." He commented and I groaned.

"What's wrong with look..." He continued.

"I know your friend has already told me I look like a mess." I completed for him.

"Actually he told me you actually look like a witch with running short, a minger." He chuckled to himself and Emily glared him from the rear mirror.

"Sorry, not my words." He said raising his hands up in his defence.

"I know they could only be his words." I supported him and I sneezed hard.

"Bless you." Emily said again for the umpteenth time.

"I think you should see a doctor." She suggested.

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