τшептутнгее: dance lessons pt. 1

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at the end of the day during dance classes.

I was dancing with Blaise once again who was being much more careful, making sure not to spin me again. I was doing my best and I felt slightly better about dancing with Blaise! I wasn't stepping in his feet, only once! And that was because someone bumped into me. "I'm really not good at this". I chuckled, looking at Blaise. "It's cute". He remarked making me smile. I liked him, as a friend that is. "Can I have a hug for a moment?" I asked, my intentions coming off strangely to him, but he obliged. He hugged me, mostly willingly, he even seemed a bit excited. Oh god he probably thought we were going out or something. I sneakily smelt him, he smelt like grass and the outdoors, like cologne that boys would drench themselves in. So he wasn't the love of my life. Thankfully. I thought of him as a brother at most. "Do not make me separate you two, show me how far you've both gotten". I heard Snape chime in, interrupting. I pulled away from Blaise and started to feel nervous. Okay y/n do this right, you can't let yourself look any stupider in front of him! I got into my best position, trying to remember what went where. I gulped and began, Blaise seemingly also self-conscious of somebody closely watching us dance. It felt much more awkward when you were being rated.. he was closely and intently monitoring. A sneer on his face. "Okay stop". He sighed and held his hand up and we both froze in place looking up to him sheepishly. Hoping we didn't get yelled at or called stupid. I've heard him call students stupid all period and it only made us feel bad. "Zabini, you're doing a great job, however Miss L/n you're not holding him right, you must be closer. Not hugging, but closer. Will you try again?" He said and crossed his arms watching. I tensed up, I felt like I was being targeted but I really couldn't do anything about it. He gestured for us to start up again and we looked at each other hoping to do it right. We started once again, I brought myself closer, I had a mutual frown towards Cassidy who also frowned back at me, haha! She was dancing with Crabbe! I almost laughed. But I had to concentrate. I was doing my best as Snape watched intently. Yet he still didn't seem pleased with me.

"You know what, *sigh*, Zabini step aside, L/n let me show you". Zabini came to a stop and stepped aside. I looked fearfully at him, I was given a cheeky amused grin.

Snape advanced towards me and took my hand quickly letting himself get into the proper stances. Instructing my hands for me. God this couldn't be happening. "Like this". He insisted. Professor Snape suddenly pulled me closer, his hand on my waist becoming a bit lower which made me almost shriek. I felt the air rush out of my lungs and I bit my lip. And he gave me a starting look, and we began. I watched our feet as I figured he would want me to do.

Okay just relax Y/n, he's only doing his job.

I was just freaking out silently trying to keep up with him, and for the mean time, it seemed to be going good. "I'm going to spin you". I heard him say to me quietly, a warning tone. I started to freak out. I tried to nod no at him, a fearful small almost inaudible gasp escaping my lip. He didn't listen. He let go of my waist and moved me away from him, but he had a tighter grip than Blaise, he held onto my hand and spun me, and I slowly found myself back into his close presence. My anxiety dying down as we continued on normally.

"I'll check on you again sometime soon, you practice and get on now". He let go of me and walked off, I returned to Blaise, my face red. "Are you blushing-"

"No it's just cold in here!" I cut him off immediately defending myself, hoping he wouldn't ask about it any further. And he did, he shrugged surrending to me.

For the rest of the class he yelled at a few students who were completely utterly terrible, as he would say. He was so busy with them he never checked on us again which I was completely fine with.

I was glad when class ended I was free to go and walk about.

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