Magic pt. 1

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London. Late 18th century- Early 19th century

What a lovely place to be.

To be beneath the London sky.

The sun was just about to set over the horizon. Across the city, in the center of it all, stood Big Ben strong and tall.

The clock told seven, my, what heaven. Most men would stay in or stay and work late. Most people prefer to be home before eight.
A sight to behold; beneath it's sky.
But just by a wealthy man's house, there a few things lie.

Tom stood by the balcony of their house; taking in the fresh air of dusk. A soft wind blew against his face as he heaved a sigh of content. What a lovely city to be in.
The sky looked like a breathtaking portrait of vibrant sunset colors that gave off the feeling of a day passing, and another day to look forward to.

Tom always loved tomorrow.
It was always a day away.
All the sorrows of today would wash away when tomorrow arrives; that's the magic of tomorrow.


A word where no one thought of it with any significance. Merely a child's imagination of things impossible.
But Tom? He thought of it as something fantastic. Yes, that may seem childish, but who can deny the need to be young at heart?
Almost every adult.
That's what.

Tom sighed. Adults always forget what it was like to just take things slow and discover something new. To take time and observe every beautiful thing outside, the small critters and vibrant flowers in the garden... To be a child.

"Life goes on" they say. "People change" they quote.

Tom walked back into their shared room. His lover was currently busy. Again. He never gave time to eat or sleep. It was concerning. Tom walked across the corridor and stood in front of a wooden door. From outside, you could hear the scribbling of a pen and papers being put to the side.
Suddenly a groan of frustration.

'That's it.' Tom made up his mind. 'He needs to take a break.'
He barged through the doors walking up to the desk where the other man sat. The man looked up to greet him; bags very visible and hair messy.
"Hello, min kjaerlighet, what seems to be the problem?"

"The problem?" Tom huffed. "Is you not getting any sleep. All you ever do is work. Come now Tord, at least eat a spoon full of he meal. Maybe even a few." He pleaded.
Tord was not persuaded.
"I can't. I have to finish the paperwork. I'll lose my position if I don't."

"That doesn't mean damaging your health! You barely have anything in your stomach, you always stay up until dawn, and you don't even spend much time with me. Work seems to be your main priority."

Tord stood up from his desk and placed a hand on his love's shoulder.
"That's not true, I have spent time with you fairly enough, haven't I?"

Tom looked up at him. He was not pleased.
"At least come and eat dinner. That's all I ask of you." Tom looked up at Tord with pleading eyes.
Tord sighed in defeat.
"Alright. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Tom smiled at that. He kissed Tord's cheek before leaving the office and heading downstairs towards the dining room.

A few minutes had passed and Tord had not yet arrived. Tom felt disappointed.
"Where is he?" Tom stood up from his chair and made his way up to the office. Once there, he knocked on the door before turning the knob and stepping into the dim room. The lights were out. Tord wasn't there. Tom wondered as he scanned the empty room for his spouse.


"Tord? Love, are you there?" Tom called out as he walked down the hall and into their shared room. He slowly pushed the door open. On the bed, there lay Tord still in his morning attire fast asleep. Soft snores escaped his mouth as he lay there peacefully.
Tom leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed. A small smile placed on his face.
"At least he's getting rest." Tom whispered to himself. He went back into the kitchen to finish off for the day before returning to the room and changing into sleep wear. After doing so, he walked over to his lover and kissed his forehead.
"Good night Hun, love you."
Tom crawled into bed beside him; soon drifting off to sleep as he embraced Tord.

The next day, Tord awoke pleasantly.
For the first time in weeks.
As he tried to get up, he felt a heavy weight by his waist. Looking to the side, he found Tom clinging onto him whilst sleeping peacefully. One of those details that make a pleasant morning is when you get to see your loved one fast asleep.
Tord gently ran his hand through the side of Tom's face. As he did so, Tom leaned in and smiled unconsciously; holding his hand.

The sun gently shone(?) against his skin. His even breathing, his hair, every small detail, Tord analyzed.

How long has it been since he'd last done this?

But sadly it had to end. He had work to attend to. As carefully as he could, he got out of bed and gently placed his sleeping lover there.

Tord leaned down and gave a small peck on Tom's forehead.
He got ready for the day; dressing into his worm attire, and left the room.

Tom awakened a few minutes after only to find that his lover was gone. Again.
It was quite lonely for him.

If only he could convince him to stop overworking.

I keep making chapters too long. (Not including this one)
Most of my drafts are long. This oneshot was supposed to be long.

Also, Thanks to those who read this XD

I'm surprised you could handle me,
Hindi ako bagay sa ganito.

Again, thank you.

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