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Lauren's POV

I wrap my body in a towel which barely covers my ass because for my abnormal height which need I mention, no one asked for in the first place.

I step out of the stall and look myself in the mirror that I have on my locker. Waters dripping from my hair, my cheeks flushed and my eyes red. For some reason, I always have a red eye after shower. Like some high profile narc.

I turn around and check my neck for any sticky loose hair and disappointedly find some.

Aww man! I thought the hair fall solution worked!

I roll my eyes and turn front.

I check myself out in the mirror.

Since no one else will!

Oh snap. Did you just diss yourself?

I shrug my shoulders at the thought. I return my attention to the person staring back in the mirror.

I wouldn't call it the worst! I mean I may not be all - "Well that's a fine young lady there" .Rather I think if I said to myself "well you look nice" ,the reply would be "you are not so bad yourself."


Never mind.

I open my locker and come to a halt because my worst nightmare finally did turn into reality.

My locker was empty and my clothes were gone.

I fumble around the locker a couple times, hoping the clothes will magically reappear. As reality slowly starts settling, my hands come to a still.

My clothes are gone!

Like poof!

What the hell!

My hands find a piece of paper lying inside of my locker. If I wasn't so busy looking for my damn clothes I would have noticed it before.

I take out the folded piece of paper and unfold it.

Inside it, in a neat handwriting, was written:

I hope now the whole school would get to see how much of a big fat ass you have, bitch.

The handwriting was Olivia's.

Blake's homie Olivia's.

There was no name signed at the end of it. The writer was what? Trying to stay discreet? Why? Because what harm could I possibly do to her?

Maybe light a fire on her stupid little head!

And it is a girl because this is a girls shower. The boys shower was just beside it but separate. And a boy risking his ass, trying to sneak in a girls shower and possibly get his ass kicked, seemed unlikely.

And besides, the handwriting was Olivia's.

Don't ask me why I am so sure of it! I have seen her writing in class before and if everyone is supposed to have some special talent than mine was remembering peoples handwriting.

If I ever,even for once , saw someone's handwriting, then it was saved up in my head like a tiny version of a room. Or at least that's how I visualized it anyway.

I was like a little Sherlock Holmes when it came to handwritings and my mind palace was full of tiny rooms of different handwritings.

One of them also belonged to Olivia's.

I know, I am crazy! Can we move on?

I can't believe it. After leaving me alone for two months straight, Blake suddenly decides to strike back? Start all over it again? Did he finally realize the truth that I was just a big fat sissy who wouldn't really in fact disrespect his brothers death?

But how?

I thought I was convincing enough.

I shake my head trying to clear my head so I could find a way to get out of this mess. Right now I needed to get out of here. With my dignity intact.

I needed clothes.

I wish I could call somebody, Lacy or Nora, to come and lend me some clothes but my phone was at my school locker along with my bag pack and other things.

Why do schools have to have so many lockers anyway? Ugh!

I started checking lockers of other girls, hoping against hope that one of them would accidentally leave it open and I would be able to borrow their clothes for a while.

But after I checked most of them and found all of them locked, I gave up. Why didn't I just lock my locker before I went to the shower?

I just thought I would be out in a second but then I started to think about Star Wars and the rest is history.

I sit on one of the benches. I suddenly wish that it wasn't the last period so that another class could come and I had a way to be rescued. But PE was our second last period and by now, the last period was halfway through. Clearly no one had PE as a last class and soon the school would be over and everyone will go home while I stay here and cry myself to death!

Maybe Ian would notice and come?

Yeah? When? At nine? When his shift ends?

I take my head in both of my hands. My fingers clutching my hair. Tears start to flow in and I don't stop myself because there was no one else to see them or judge them.

I'm not sad, I'm just MAD that I can't do anything about the problem that I'm in. Its such a frustrating situation when you are in deep shit but can't really do anything about it.

It makes you feel so pathetic.

It makes you want to scream!

You know what? Maybe I should scream. Maybe someone will come to my help and if not, then well, at least I would be able to let out my frustration.

I open my mouth and scream at the top of my lungs in this empty room which was soon vibrating from my vocal cords. Hopefully it would reach the hallway.

Would it be better or worse if it did?

I love the fact that you are even reading this. 😊😊

Love you.

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