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I'll only say one word that summarizes the whole chapter; biology.

(If you're still reading this a/n, the drawing above was made by me FYI ;)

Third person POV

Something isn't right with Karma.

Nagisa notices in the past few days, Karma hadn't been talking to him as much as he did before. His usual lax posture had turned stiff and tense as if anticipating attacks when walking around their classmates and his nonchalant expression was faux.

Nagisa decided to mention the changes to Karma, worried that he was hiding some sort of secret but the other just flinched before turning away with...was that a tiny blush on his face?

It had already been three days since his attitude had changed and it was driving him crazy since he didn't know what was actually wrong with him.

"Karma, are you sure you're okay?" He questioned and the other stiffened before giving him a tight lipped smile that didn't look like him at all.

"Don't worry, I'm alright." Nagisa raised his brow at the answer, frowning at what Karma was hiding because they were friends (even though he had the tiniest bit of crush on him), he could lean on Nagisa if he wanted to.

"Really? I don't think so.." He trailed off before his eyes landed on the red head's face that was slightly pink and some beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Really, I am-" He couldn't finish his sentence as the blue head leaned near him, making him flustered and confused at the action before a hand landed on his forehead.

Nagisa gasped pulling his hand away from the other's forehead, he was burning up. Why did Karma come to school when he had such a high fever?

"Karma! Your forehead is burning up! You should really get some rest at the infirmary." Nagisa exclaimed while the red head just clicked his tongue, trying to shrug it off.

"I don't have to-"

"You need to go to the infirmary." Nagisa insisted while tugging the feverish red head by his hand. Karma sighed but didn't fight it, capitulating to the petite blue head.

What a sight it was to people who didn't know what was going on. A petite androgynous looking blue haired boy dragging a red haired boy whose height almost towered him, past the infirmary-

"We've already passed by the infirmary, Nagisa?" Karma informed, looking back at the room that they had just passed by.

"Actually, I think you need to get to the doctor. No one gets a fever so high for two whole days!" Karma winced at his tone. Nagisa rarely got mad at anyone, let alone him, so his health must matter a lot for him.

Karma exhaled deeply and regretfully, gazing at the frantic bluehead tugging him to the doctor, if this thing was actually just a minor case like fever.

It wasn't.


"You're in rut." Shizumi, the school doctor, explained and Karma could feel the lingering gaze that Nagisa had and he could almost sense the wave of disappointment coming off him.

Definitely not a nice thing.

"You aren't even supposed to come to school for god sake!" She exclaimed before taking out a couple of pills from the cabinet with exasperation laced in her expression.

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