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If stubbornness was personified, Nagisa was sure it would take the form of his mom. Things had been resolved, though not completely, and it took a lot of convincing from Korosensei and him to get her reach the level of begrudging acceptance. At least, she started meeting his eyes again- It was good to know that she was finally acknowledging him as her son.

The shouting hadn't ceased, but it had lessened to a point that Nagisa felt like his house had finally became a normal household. It would take him long to get rid of all the feminine clothes and needless to say, his mother hadn't been the happiest about losing her 'daughter'. The weight of his pigtails were lighter, more free than it ever had been and Nagisa has never been more of a free bird than he is now.

Though it seemed that the whole class had been listening on the meeting, and with the reveal of her true colors, the entirety of the class almost created a mess out of it. Nagisa really didn't want them to- while it was quite comforting that they cared for him so much, he didn't want to start his round of the new game with the story of the old- it was forgive forget.

Nakamura had expressed her sincere regrets for teasing him all the time, but then that regret seemed to cut short when she got the opportunity to cross dress him again.

So much for regrets..

Then there had been the shocker of the whole decade. Karma had slipped up an apology too which came across to Nagisa wilder than any of his wildest dreams. The conversation had progressed in the same rhythm as always that Nagisa really wouldn't have expected something as sincere coming out of Karma's mouth, but it did. Even if the topic of it almost breached the topic of their flawed friendship back then.

The kind of friendship that they could possibly build was a dream Nagisa had dreamt of while a little kid. Sure it wasn't as 'perfect' of a vision that the him of back then had imagined, but somehow this flawed perception of the coming future was more perfect than anything. Things really were starting to look good, the space between them was lesser- he really hoped that the world wouldn't end before that could come true.

"You and Karma seem awfully close these days." Kayano noted as said guy exited the room. "Were you always this close?"

Nagisa shrugged, "I'm not sure what you mean. I did tell you that Karma-kun and I were childhood friends."

"Uh..huh, I see." She dropped the subject before perking up right away, "I heard from Kataoka-san that our class is doing a play, is that true?"

"Yeah, we decided to let Hazama-san write the script. I'm not sure what to expect." Kayano had been absent for quite a few days before.. "Why didn't you come school the past few days?"

A sheepish laugh left her as she rubbed her head, "Family matters, you know? Just normal domestic stuff. Apparently, my mom decided to go on a strike because dad was not helping around much. He's such a lazy guy." She complained halfway through and Nagisa was thoroughly amused by how lively the household sounded.

"Anyway, she didn't cook for a few days and I had to sit the days out to teach and help that guy cook, geez! I mean, isn't cooking like an essential thing to survive? How did he even get to this point of his life?" Kayano reached for her bag and handled a Tupperware "I've brought some food he managed to cook and I'm not sure if it even tastes good."

Nagisa really liked hearing about Kayano's condition at home, it gave him a sense of normalcy that he lacked ever since his father left. It was nice to know that his friend was at least living a very normal life despite the freakish nature of their class. Her parents sounded like fun people to be with!

"I'm sure he put all his heart and soul into the cooking if your mother was willing to forgive him by the end of it." He replied instead and she put it in again with a shake of her head.

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