Chapter 25: Greetings

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Katherine's pov:

It felt so damn good to hug David, after a week I loved the feel of his strong arms wrapping around me, making me feel as though I was protected against the world and nothing could hurt me. I hugged him tightly and knowing what Emily had told me, I hugged him as tight as I possibly could. "I missed you.......I missed all of you." I whisper softly in to his chest. He chuckled softly at this before breaking away "We missed you too Princess, Paul's been close on three occasions to walking out in to the sun, Dwayne hasn't eaten anything since you left, Marko's been having....nightmares and me-" He goes to say something before he's cut off "He's been a grumpy good for nothing prick." I turn around to see that Marko is fully awake now. "Well....hi sleepy head...." I say with a laugh as it looked like Laddie had been jumping on him to wake him up. "Where's Paul?" I ask softly.

Paul's pov:

"Ummmm.....hi......" I had been smoking too much pot, I could've sworn that I heard Kitty's voice "Paul....." I turn and see her standing there and I get hopeful for a moment before remembering that I'm high as a kite. "Go away, I know you're not're just a bad bit of pot." I call out causing the hallucination to laugh before walking towards me. "If I wasn't real, could I do this?" It asks and I feel lips pressing against mine and then a warm body pressing against my cold one. She was real! It was her! I break away quickly, taking her face in my hands and studying it "You are real!" I say with a grin before kissing her again, my arms wrapping around her tightly. "You came back...." I whispered as I rested my forehead against hers before she nodded slightly. "I met April.....she told me about you......about all of you, what you are, what she is....what I am to you....." She says with a slight smile. "And where's my kiss?"

Dwayne's pov:

"Dwayne!" She breaks away from Marko before launching herself at me, jumping so her legs wrap around my waist and her arms around my neck as she buries her face in to the crook of my neck. "I missed you." She says softly and I smile, holding her up by her thighs. "I missed you too my love." I whisper, pressing her against me, she still had the beautiful intoxicating smell and you would swear the way and how tight she was hugging me we hadn't seen each other for years. I let her legs down ever so softly before I press my lips against hers. This was heaven, her lips were just as soft and plump as the first time and she felt so damn good in my arms, this week had been hell. The tension between Paul and David had been building, David looking for someone to blame so he picked the easiest target, Paul. I hadn't eaten since that night, too afraid that I might feed and in some horror of a coincidence Katherine would see me.

"How've you been?" I ask softly as I pull away before she looks down at her hands. "Awful......" She says softly before I notice the slight bruising in her neck. I tilt her head back and I feel my anger building up. "Who did this to you?" I ask, my eyes fixated on the bruises. Someone was going to die tonight.

(Hey guys! What do you think Dwayne's gonna do when he finds out Marko gave Katherine those bruise? Will he see that it was a mistake and forgive his brother? Or will his instincts take over to protect his mate? Or will he even find out at all?! Tell me what you think! :D

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