Leave ⭐️ Loki (request)

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Song: Count me in - Early Winters.

Imagine; Loki asked you to marry him before he destroyed New York and left, now that he's back, he's got some things to explain.

'Y/n...' Loki says appearing behind you as he walks into the room.

You don't reply, so he stops walking and frowns. Then he gets the message loud and clear.

'I see you're still wearing the ring...' he says chuckling nervously as you're staring out of the window. Your arms crossed and your brows furrowed.

'Look I'm sorry..'

'And suddenly that's gonna make it okay?, everything you did?, look honestly I don't give a shot about what happened to New York because that wasn't you, but the fact that you left right after you asked me to marry you, hurts me more than I can put into words...'

'Y/n...I'm sorry that I hurt you so badly and it wasn't my intention-'

'Oh really?, because that's not what I make out of this, you didn't even say goodbye you were just gone...'


'I worried sick about you!, not knowing where you were or what you were up to...that does something to a person Loki!'

'I know y/n and it's something I wish I hadn't done and I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, it was terrible to leave you like that and you're right' he replies, his eyes tearing up.

He comes up behind you and you look at him as you turn around.

You've never seen him like this, so vulnerable, so...mortal.

'Please...I'm sorry...' a tear slips down his check and then you notice some light bruising on his neck.

'How did you get those?' You ask worried.

'Thanos...he uh...he killed me and I came back...for you..'

You gently run your fingers over them and he squeezes his eyes in pain as he swallows away the pain.

'Loki...' you breathe as you wipe away some tears from his eyes.

'What you did...' you start.

'Please forgive me....'

You tear up just by seeing him like this. You cup his cheeks and he closes his eyes as he tilts his head down.

You tilt it up again and you put his forehead against yours.

'You hurt me...you need to understand that...'

'I know...I don't deserve your forgiveness...' he replies, his voice raw.

You sigh and you want to mentally slap yourself for what you're about to say.

'But you're gonna get it anyway because...you're the only man I've ever had feelings for...'

You slowly tilt your own head up your lips touching his as he pulls you against his chest.

He wraps his arm around your back and you put your hand on his neck as you both deepen the kiss.

'Don't do that to me again Loki I swear I won't survive that...'

'I won't....'

Avengers imagines pt. 2 Where stories live. Discover now