Not This Time

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"Aren't you coming to lunch?" Jaelyn asked over her shoulder.

She was already half way to the door. I was fucking exhausted. My eyes felt heavy, my right arm felt like jello, my pain was increasing and I honestly wasn't sure I would make it the rest of the day.

"Go ahead without me." I told her. "I'll be down in a few."

She took the few steps toward me, her eyes full of pity like maybe she knew I felt like shit.

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah. I'm sure." I gave her a small smile.

She bent down, planting a kiss on my forehead before she left. The act made me feel more like a child than her boyfriend. I tipped my head back, closing my eyes. I could fall asleep right there. I wondered if the teacher would mind.

"Tired?" A voice asked.

I cracked my eyes, peering over at Matt, no Mike. That still didn't sound right. Mack, maybe?

"What's your name again?" I asked, ignoring his question and how rude I probably sounded.

"Max." He smiled at me, his brown hair meticulously combed back with some sort of product.

I laughed through my nose, the guy who had a crush on me supposedly. "Max, right. Sorry."

"No problem."

We were the only two left in the classroom.

"I'm fucking exhausted man." I admitted.

"I've got some friends that hang out in the drama room at lunch. There's a couch. I'd bet they wouldn't care if you wanted to chill." He offered.

A couch sounded amazing. He seemed genuine enough. But I couldn't figure out why he was being genuine, why he was even offering. Hell, I didn't even remember the kid's name.

Every part of my body was screaming for me to accept his offer.

"Nah, but thanks." I told him.

"Suit yourself."

He stood from where he sat, a couple tables over, watching me for a few seconds. I held his gaze even though it was awkward. I wasn't about to show anyone that I'd loss my confidence and my self worth. As soon as someone figured it out, I'd be toast. Max headed for the door, turning around just before he disappeared out of it as he said, "See ya around Owen."

Funny. I'd already heard those exact same words today. From Mina.

I had thought about pulling the little pink piece of paper from my hoodie pocket out on more than one occasion today. But my pride stopped me each time. Plus I couldn't figure out why she agreed to help me when she so clearly hated me for no reason. She could have just blown Jase off. And I still couldn't figure out how she was in high school but an intern. It all didn't make sense to me. And at the current moment I was too tired to give a shit.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Nan.

"Hello Love." She chirped in the phone. "How's your first day going?"

"Will you come get me?" I asked.

"Of course baby, we'll be right there."

Nan was the best.

I told her thanks as she yelled out for my Pops before hanging up the phone. I rolled myself back from the table, slowly making my way out of the classroom, down the hall, to the elevator to the main floor, and then down another hallway to the office. It took way longer than it should have but my right arm was weak as fuck.

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