Chapter 6 - Hot and Sweaty

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I almost run up the stairs to get to my dad's restaurant. The call with Dax took part of my lunch time, so I need to rush. I can't grab a bag of fries like Skye does and keep going on. I spend a lot of energy in the water, and fries aren't enough to sustain me until my next meal. As I walk in, I see my best friend having lunch with the guy he gave a surfing lesson. He seems like a nice person, and if Skye talks with him willingly then he must be cool.

"Dudes," I grab a chair and turn it to sit by the side of their table.

"Dylan, this is Kay," Skye introduces us, and we shake hands. "We were just talking about you. Dylan is new in town. Promising grommet."

"That's rad to hear. Sometimes I think we are cursed with talent rejects. Hey Skye, I spoke with Dax. He is in," I grin.

Both our phones buzz at the same time and I see we received an email from Dax. It's a forward of the confirmation saying we are inscribed in the competition. I feel like doing a dance, and I don't dance.

"Excellent! How did you convince my bro?" Skye reads the email with a big smile.

"I reassured him they won't let us in the water unless it is safe, and that even Blue Smith is coming. This is big!"

"Rad arguments," he nods.

Dylan looks at us with a puzzled face. I feel guilty I haven't included him in the conversation.

"Have you heard about the upcoming surfing festival, Dylan?"

"I heard something on the radio station as I walked here. Who is this Blue person?" Dylan asks.

"Blue is a surfer sponsored by a brand called Oceancrush. He is skilled, and is an international competitor. Skye, the business on the Boulevard will skyrocket in those two weeks! It's moments like these I regret being a librarian."

"And you guys will compete in this festival? That sounds cool," says Dylan with genuine happiness.

"Yeah! It will be awesome! I need to talk to Luna about the boards. Oh, thanks Dad," my dad places a plate of food and a cold glass of milk in front of me.

"Your father is an amazing cook. I think I won't cook for the rest of my life. I will just come here," Dylan says.

"He is. He learned from my grandmamma. She was something special. Right, Skye?"

"She was. I still miss her. Whenever Dad was unreasonable, she would comfort me and give me great advice. Best hugs in the world. Dylan, seriously talking, you surprised me during the lesson. I've never seen someone do so well on their first time. I can train you if you like. If I'm not available, then Kay can take over," says Skye while I nod as my mouth is full of food.

"I think I will accept your offer. It will give me something to do with my time. Maybe after lunch I can pass by your store, book lessons and pick up gear."

"Sure. Luna or Joan can help you there," Skye reclines in his chair and looks pleased. Nothing makes him happier than teaching.

Skye always wanted to be a surfer. There was never a doubt about it. When we were in school, he had excellent grades, and he would even tutor kids in his spare time. He got accepted to several universities on their primary school education program. Depending on the results of the surfing competition, he would decide on whether to study or compete professionally. Unfortunately, that is when he got ill, and things were never the same for him.

We keep talking about random topics while we finish eating. I can see why Skye has become friends with this guy. He is smart, humble and easy to get along.

"Dylan, I don't mean to offend you but, aren't you warm in those clothes? You look hot, and I'm sweating just looking at you," I say and Skye snorts.

"What? What did I say?" I look at Skye and feel confused.

"Dylan looks hot, and you sweat looking at him," he says between fits of laughter. "Kay is also not gay," he says to Dylan.

"I figured it out already. If Kay were, it would have been a terrible pickup line," Dylan laughs.

"What? Pick up line? What the hell are you talking about?" I say to Dylan. Then it finally downs for me. "Oh, you like dudes," I feel my cheeks turning warm. Way to go Kay!

"I'm joking with you. I know you were not hitting on me. You are right, these clothes are too warm for this weather. I don't own many casual clothes as I used to work in an office. I will be grateful if you guys can suggest me where to go shopping and what to get. And don't worry Kay, you are not my type."

"Hey! I'm everybody's type," I laugh. "Anyway, I know someone who loves to shop," I smile while thinking of her.

"Who?" asks Dylan.

"Joan," Skye and I say in unison.

"Oh, for a moment I thought you would say it's your sister," Dylan says to Skye.

"Luna and shopping?" Skye snorts again. "Oh no, only if you are searching for power tools."

"I don't understand what you mean," Dylan says while playing with the edge of a napkin.

"Luna is a shaper, she can make and repair boards," Skye says. "After our parents divorced, we lived with our father. Luna spent a considerable amount of time with dad and learned the trade from him. In fact, she made the board you rode today. She has made mine and my bro's."

"Mine too. Exactly to my specifications," I remember the happy moments when we designed them together.

"Really? Then she is talented," says Dylan.

Luna is talented and beautiful, but too much like a sister to find her attractive.

"She is and is also the most caring person you will ever meet. I love her to death, but if you tell her I said that, I will have to kill you," Skye teases.

"I understand. Do you think Joan will have time for me soon? I will also need surfing gear."

"I believe we can arrange it," I wink at him.

"Kay, are you flirting with me again?" Dylan says. I choke on my milk while Skye dies of laughter.

We make our way back to the store, and Skye and I point to all the guys who Dylan can ask out on a date. We know for a fact that the bartender from the Beach Club, one lifeguard, a few guys from the juice bar and all the guys from the coffee place are into dudes. How do we know? Those are the guys who have hit on Skye. He avoids the coffee place as they flirt hardcore with him. Sometimes I wonder if Luna and Dax have tipped them extra to do that to Skye.

We enter the store and there she is, the love of my life. Joan has friend-zoned me for life, but the message has not reached my brain or my heart.

"Hey, Joanie. Do you have any desire in shopping?" I perch myself on the counter.

"Does Skye Kalani like surfing? Come on, Kay! I always want to go shopping."

"Our friend Dylan here needs to look like a real inhabitant and surfer of Sea Glass Beach," I pat Dylan on the shoulder.

"Oh, I can take care of that, but not of your underwear," she makes Dylan laugh.

"What is so funny?" I look at them.

"Our little inside joke. What do you need Dylan?"

"For starters, I need surfing gear, and I need to book lessons with either Skye or Kay as often as possible. I also need plenty of casual clothes. I think I only own this jean and about three t-shirts."

"Are you free on Wednesday?" she says with a flirty smile.

"I am."

"I will take you shopping for casual clothes then. After I book your lessons, Luna and I will get you some starting gear and your own board. Dudes, your next students are already in the changing rooms," says Joan to Skye and me.

If Dylan weren't gay, I would be worried I've lost my girl. With a big sigh, I walk out of the store and go to receive my next students.

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