Chapter 20 - Medicine

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Dad looks like a hungry lion as he paces the living room. He glares at me from time to time. I feel embarrassed about what happened.

"It was fucking stupid," Dad says through gritted teeth.

"Dad! Language!" Luna shouts from the kitchen. She motions with her head to Boy.

Dax feeds Boy, who is oblivious his grandfather is about to rip his uncle's head. I sit on the couch with my leg stretched. My left knee is bruised and swollen. Boy got worried when I came home and saw I have an 'aw' on my knee. I love him so much.

"I don't get it. Why did you bail at the last moment? You could lay on the board instead of taking a dive. It's lucky you only hurt your knee. Skye, it could have been your damn head!" Dad yells, making me flinch.

"Dad, it was an accident. It could happen to anyone," Dax says.

"Shut up Dax! You also had your head up your ass today," he glares at my brother. "Skye, you are not a grommet. You two should know by now how to deal with your fears. I know you all have terrible memories because of what happened to Natalie. I won't let you train at The Reef if I'm not sure the conditions were right. Skye, you were doing so well. It was the perfect maneuver! It had style and lots of skill!" Dad says in a passionate voice.

"Here you go Skye," Luna hands me a bag of ice in a kitchen towel.

"Thanks," I squeeze her hand softly. As always, my sister is the one who ends up taking care of me.

"And what now? The competition will start soon!" Dad yells again.

That is typical Ash Kalani. One moment he gives you a compliment, and a second later he gets pissed and yells.

"I will be fine by then," I feel irritated.

My knee hurts like hell, but the doctor at the emergency room said it's not broken. I let the cold from the ice numb my injury. Dad glares at me once more and goes to his room, which is my bedroom. This house only has three bedrooms and I've been sleeping together with Luna since he got here. Luckily, she has a huge bed, so we don't bother each other.

"Come on Skye. Let me help you to shower," Dax helps me to stand up and supports my weight.

Luna finishes bathing Boy and will get him ready for bed while Dax helps me. I'm still wearing my damp baggies from the training and a t-shirt. Dax as well. He helped me out of the water together with Kay and brought me straight to the hospital. There they gave us some blankets to keep us warm.

Dax brings the little plastic stool Luna uses to reach the top cupboards and places it in the shower. I'm grateful my bro helps me to undress, and I get clean under the shower on my own. I let the warm water run over my knee to soothe the ache.

"I brought you some cotton shorts and a t-shirt to sleep. I think your regular sweatpants will bother your injury," Dax says as he helps me out of the shower.

After I get dressed, he takes me to Luna's bed, and then goes to check on Boy. Luna walks in with the painkillers I got prescribed and a glass of water.

"It will be all right. We will take care of you," Luna smiles while ruffling my hair. "Dad is only scared. He loved Natalie too."

The doorbell rings and Luna heads to open it. We ordered pizza since we went straight from the hospital to the house, and nobody had any desire to cook or do anything afterward. Typically, we would all be stoked about the training or checking any online news about the festival, but the mood was ruined.

The bedroom door opens after a while, and Joan walks in bringing a pizza box and a glass of milk. My heart beats fast at her sight.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" she hands me the box and places the drink on the nightstand.

"It hurts plenty," I take a bite of pizza as she sits next to me on the bed.

"I came as soon as I could," she takes a pizza slice from my box. "Luna messaged me while I was helping my friend with her baby room shopping. What happened?"

"Dad made us train today at The Reef. I was doing snaps and felt as if the wave was carrying me to the rocks where Natalie had the accident. I panicked and took a dive. It was a shallow area, and my knee hit the hard seabed. It isn't open or broken, but I have a nasty injury."

"Let me see," she moves to lift the bed covers.

The skin is a mix of red and purple splotches and looks less thick than before. Joan covers me and sits again.

"Be more careful the next time. I need you around Skye. I will go mad if something happens to you," she comes closer, cups my face and kisses me.

I imagined this kiss a million times but under different circumstances. Her lips are soft, and I crave for more.

"Joan... Why? What's this?" I look into those beautiful eyes which remind me of rainy days.

"You must be blind if you haven't noticed I have feelings for you," she holds my gaze.

My mouth drops open. If this is a dream, it will suck to wake up.

"Why now?"

"Because I received the damned message saying you got hurt, and I freaked out. I thought the worst until Luna messaged me back with more information. You need to know how I feel about you. I've been waiting forever to find out if you feel the same about me."

"What about Kay? He has a crush on you!" I say. It's a stupid question, but the thought of hurting my friend worries me.

"A long time ago, I told him I wasn't interested in him. I'm fond of Kay as a friend and that's it. He is your best friend, and I understand you don't want to hurt him, but I was clear with him. It's his problem my words have not sunk in that stubborn head of his," she says, and I nod.

I have so many feelings running through me right now. I have loved Joan for so long.

"What are you thinking about? You are too quiet," she says.

"I've been in love with you since the day dad hired you. Kay told me then he wanted to ask you out, and I backed off. Joan, I have little to offer you. I'm only a surfing instructor. You are an educated woman and Kay would be a better match in that respect."

"You are a damn fool Skye Kalani! You have a lot to offer. Look at what you've done with Dylan! That guy was lonely and miserable when he arrived. You comforted him, accepted him and made him your friend. He is confident and happy, and it's all because of you. And what about that little fool Colin? He might be the crappiest surfer, but you know why he sticks with it? Because you give him the attention he doesn't get from his father. Don't think so little of yourself. You might not be teaching in a classroom like you always dreamed of, but you help people out there on the beach."

Joan knows my biggest frustration and regret is not being able to study and become a teacher. I wanted to teach little kids how to read and write.

"Do you want me, Joan? I'm rude, and I have a shitty character."

"I know the real you, plus you've never been rude to me. I gloat about it to Luna," she smiles.

She is right. I never treat her poorly or get upset with her. I should stop doing it to my sister.

"So... what now?" I feel suddenly shy.

"Now is the moment to say: Joan, do you want to be my girlfriend?" she says, and I let out a groan.

"You must be joking. Do I have to say it? Joan, if you say yes, you are warned I'm the worst boyfriend. I will forget dates and other important stuff, and you will get angry with me."

"I accept the warning," she smiles wickedly.

"Okay. Joan, will you be my girlfriend?" I rake my fingers through my hair.

It's embarrassing, but I'm doing this. I'm 31 years old, and I'm asking a girl to be my girlfriend like if I was a schoolboy.

"A million times yes! Now, enjoy your food. I will gloat once again to Luna. This time that I have a boyfriend who is her brother," she grins and kisses me again.

I even forgot for a while about the pain in my knee. I would never admit it out loud, but Joan is my best medicine.

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