Chapter 28 - Letting Go

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Skye gives a murderous look to Anthony then slams the door of the workshop shut. I let out a big sigh. Hopping down from the workbench, I grab my clothes from the floor and get dressed. I look at Anthony, and he is embarrassed without a doubt. The silence is awkward.

"I'm sorry about that," I break the silence. "I forgot we have a second set of keys inside the cash register."

"You don't need to apologize. You locked the door. We didn't know Skye would open it," Anthony puts his hand on my arm.

"He will be so mad at me," I walk away from Anthony.

"He will break my face now for sure."


"Is that... Oh, why everything has to be this hard?" Anthony rubs his face in frustration.

"What's going on?"

"I have to leave after the competition. I'm a good nine months per year traveling, training, touring and doing promo."

"I know that already," I say.

Of course, I knew this is a fling. I'm not blind.

"Skye thinks you are falling for me and I've fallen for you without a doubt. Everything is so damn frustrating for me at the moment."

He has feelings for me? He looks sad and troubled about the whole situation. It's the same I've felt since the picnic. I fell in love with Anthony, but I can't ignore that he is also Blue. I can't expect him to leave everything for me. He has so much potential in his sport.

"Hey, I would never make you choose between me and surfing. To be honest, I wasn't even looking for a relationship with anyone. I met you, and we clicked. We have fun when we are together, but your commitment to your sponsor should come first," I caress his arm.

I find it hard to say these words. Anthony looks at me with hurt in his eyes. A little crease forms on his forehead. My eyes fill with tears, and I stare at the ground to hide them.

"Are we breaking up?" he lets out a shaky breath.

"We never had a relationship. It's better to stop this right now before it turns too serious and we both get hurt."

"Are you sure you want things to be this way? Luna, we made love! It meant something to me! Tell me it meant something to you as well," he rubs his face again.

"Anthony, it was only sex," I lie, and he takes a step back.

"Don't lie to me. It wasn't only sex and you know it."

I turn my back to him and clear my tears.

"I- I need to go back to the house. I don't feel well," he says.

I turn around as he walks towards the door and grabs his board bag. I feel worried. He hasn't eaten after the training.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I say to his back.

"No! Leave me alone. I will send someone to pick the board," Anthony says in a harsh voice and walks away in a hurry.

My heart breaks as I watch him in the distance. I close the workshop and walk to the store. I stop next to the entrance when I hear Joan talk.

"Skye, please tell me what is going on. You need to talk to me."

Skye has his head on his arms on the counter, and she caresses his hair. My brother lifts his face to look at his girlfriend and shakes his head.

"I found Anthony and Luna together."

"And?" she motions with her hand for him to continue.

"Joan, they were naked in the workshop," he looks mortified. Joan snorts while trying to hold her laughter.

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