Chapter 18 - Kids and Nicknames

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I can't believe I'll have my first real date with Charlotte tonight. After I asked her out on the day of my surfing mishap, we had a quick lunch together, but haven't been able to go out properly. Lottie studies in the evenings for her master's degree in public relations. She is finally available in the evening as the university semester is over.

I park my car in front of her house and ring the bell. A young boy opens the door and just stares at me with a scowl. He makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Eh... Hi there! My name is Dax, and I'm here to pick up Lottie," I say to the boy who looks up and down at me.

He looks a lot like Lottie, at least has the same eyes. Does she have a son and has not told me? I have said nothing about Boy either. I planned to do it tonight.

"Henri, is Mrs. Williams at the door?" I hear Lottie say from somewhere inside.

"No. It's a guy asking for you," he still looks at me with a scowl.

I hear footsteps, and Lottie appears at the door. She looks lovely in a light blue dress and sandals. Her hair is down, and curls prettily over her shoulders.

"Hi, Dax! Come inside. I'm waiting for Mrs. Williams to arrive. She will babysit Henri," Lottie moves aside to let me in.

"I'm not a baby. I'm nine," Henri complains.

"Well, I won't let you stay alone in the house, even if you think in your head you can. We've talked about it a million times already. This topic is closed," she says firmly while putting on some earrings.

Henri walks to the couch and sits with a huff while crossing his arms. I'm still puzzled about everything but keep quiet and calm.

Charlotte's house is lovely and modern. It has gray furniture with yellow accents. Tasteful black and white photographs from the beach hang on the walls. One of them calls my attention, and I walk towards it.

"Did you take this picture?" I grin while looking at it.

"Yeah, it's a sort of hobby. I like taking photos at the beach."

"Those are our surfboards. This board belongs to Skye. This one is mine, and the one peeking from the back belongs to Kay," I point at the picture.

"Are you sure?" she smiles and examines the photograph.

"Yeah. Look at the bottom here. That is Luna's brand. A 'K' for Kalani, with a quarter moon and a half of a hibiscus flower. All her boards have it."

"Oh wow! I didn't know! It's exciting to have a little piece of you and your family history right here at my home."

The doorbell rings and I get to meet Mrs. Williams, a charming lady who lives next door. She comes with her hands full of chips, popcorn, and chocolate. Henri's sour grimace turns into a happy smile when he sees the bounty. It then turns into a grin at the promise of watching cartoons and being able to stay up an hour past his bedtime. Lottie and I get in my car, and I finally feel comfortable enough to kiss her.

"Hi," she smiles goofily.

"You look beautiful as always," I pull my car into the street.

"Thanks. You look nice as well. I think this is the first time I see you wearing casual clothes," Lottie says, making me smile.

I wear a business suit in the office, but without a tie. It's just a shopping mall, so a tie is too formal. Tonight, I'm wearing dark jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. I'm also wearing my good black Converse sneakers. I have another pair that is falling in pieces and only used at home.

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