Chapter 15 - The Librarian

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I can barely keep my eyes open. The three cups of coffee I had haven't helped. I'm exhausted. Usually, I would say I'm looking forward to my summer vacation, but I won't be resting during that period. By then it will be two weeks before the surfing festival starts.

Ash has us on a strict routine of training and exercise combined with high protein meals. I must admit my body looks more toned. I even have a hint of a six-pack forming, but it will be long before I get anything like it for real.

We had a great time last weekend though. The training was tough, but it was worth it. We also got to meet Ross, Dylan's boyfriend, who seems like a caring guy. I couldn't stop laughing at Dax's face when he found out that Dylan likes dudes. Dax is cool with his choice like everybody else in the team.

Dylan looks in love and happy. It's quite a change from the sad look he had when he arrived at Sea Glass. Almost as if the beach breeze has blown life into him. I wish I could find a girl who loves me like those two love each other. One thing is for sure, it won't be Joan. That has become more obvious lately.

Dad is excited after meeting with Ross. Hibiscus is his pride, and he has worked hard to make it successful. It is a large space with sunny terraces decorated with beautiful white wooden furniture. A feature in a wedding magazine will bring prospective clients to the restaurant, and my dad loves entertaining people.

"Mr. Hale, can I have a book with princesses?" I hear a high-pitched voice say in sing-song.

I look over the counter and see my favorite student: Nina. She is the cutest kid with her black pigtails and big hazel eyes. On Wednesdays, the kindergarten groups in the area come to visit us throughout the day. They can't read yet, but they enjoy looking at picture books or listening while someone reads to them. Most people don't realize we have a section with children's books here at the University.

"Of course, sweetheart. Let's get you a nice one," I say to the tiny girl as I walk out of the counter.

After browsing book options, she finds one she likes enough and heads to the reading table to look at it. I have never told this to anybody, but I want to have kids of my own badly. I want to take care of them, read to them before they go to bed, and play with them. I could even get Luna to make little surfboards for them.

I had an awesome childhood thanks to my parents. We lived next to the Kalanis, and our parents are best friends. I have no siblings. Skye, Luna, and Dax were the closest I ever had to brothers and a sister. We were all penniless and barely had enough to get through the month. Both Dad and Ash struggled to start a business out of their respective passions, food and surfing. Eventually, they made it with financial help from our grandparents.

What my parents couldn't give me in material possessions, they compensated with love. I tried my best to be a good son and make them proud. My mother is the sweetest person in the world, lives to feed everyone and I love to be around her. Maybe it is the reason I still live at home.

I'm not perfect, and I got into trouble while growing up. Nothing serious. I got into a few fights with some dudes, mainly about girls. Still, I graduated at the top of my class in high school together with Skye. I also graduated with honors from this University. I love books and always wanted to be a librarian.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for Kay Hale," I hear a female voice say while feeling a soft tap on my shoulder.

I turn around, and I'm shocked at what I find. The girl seems to be about my age, and her short light pink hair is in a shaggy mess. She wears reading glasses with a hot pink frame and has a silver ring on her nose. Her eyes are a strange color, not green, not blue, but a mix of both.

"I'm Kay Hale."

"Hello, Kay. I'm Valentina Jones, and I blog for Rip Curl," she shakes my hand while smiling. "Derek sent me to interview you, and to take pictures."

"Oh sure! If you don't mind to wait, I will be free for lunch in about eight minutes," I look at my watch.

"Perfect! Don't worry about me, I can entertain myself," Valentina turns around and browses books on a sorting cart.

"Mr. Hale? Can you read this one for me?" Nina pulls on my arm.

"Sure, I still have time."

We sit next to each other at the reading table. I read Sleeping Beauty to her and it's adorable how she 'oohs' and 'aahs' during the story. I'm kind of sad when the teacher calls the group to head back to the school. I won't see her again after she goes to first grade in September. I put away the books the children used in the sorting cart and look around for Valentina. She stands by the counters and grins at me. If you can get past the pink hair and the nose ring, she is quite a stunning woman.

"Thanks for your patience," I say as I reach her. "We can head out to the university cafe. They have decent calzones if you like those."

"Sounds great. I'm hungry."

We walk towards the cafe, and she gets a recorder out of her purse. She begins by asking me basic questions; such as my age, how I learned to surf, about my favorite brands. We grab our food from the self-service counter and sit at a table available. She seems to enjoy my food suggestion, and I love when women eat heartily.

"Which of the contender teams you look forward the most to seeing compete?"

"I guess Oceancrush. Blue Smith is just off the hook! He is great at combining tricks and maneuvers. He is the number one surfer in the world and has the talent to back up his titles."

"As an amateur team, don't you feel threatened by the sponsored teams?" she lifts an eyebrow.

"Nah. We are training hard and will make our best efforts. We will see what comes out of it. My teammates and I love to surf, and we couldn't pass this opportunity. It rarely happens a big competition like this takes place almost in our backyard."

"Tell me about your teammates."

"They are all talented. Skye is the most experienced of all of us. He is excellent in complicated maneuvers such as aerials. His brother Dax is quick and daring, has the talent for getting the best out a wave. He is a terrible dancer, but his hips move to their own rhythm on the water. Dylan is an elegant rider. He makes surfing look effortless," I feel proud of my teammates.

"I understand that Dylan Harris has been surfing for only a short time. Is he ready for a competition like this?"

"Dylan is our reserve, but he is a natural born surfer. He has learned maneuvers in a short time which take other people ages to learn. It will be great if he can show what he can do during the competition."

"What about you? What is your talent?" she looks at me with an intense gaze.

I feel my cheeks getting warm, and I hope she doesn't notice it.

"I'm a trick guy. I like goofing around and trying funny things. You know; lying on the plank, the hang five, body spins."

"Kay, this was a great interview. I look forward to seeing you and your teammates compete," she smiles warmly.

"Thanks," I look at my lap.

"I have an interview with Oceancrush this afternoon. You will see both entries on the blog in the course of the day tomorrow," she stands up. "Don't worry about anything Kay. I have observed your training for two days already, and you guys are excellent."

"Really? Thanks for the encouragement. Hey, didn't you say you have to take pictures? Today I don't look like a surfer with these clothes," I point at my short sleeve shirt and my trousers.

"Don't worry. I have all I need," Valentina grins.

We part our ways, and I return to the library. I enjoyed doing the interview. It felt like talking to a friend about what I love. I wonder how it will turn out, and I hope I make my team proud. Derek made appointments with all of us, and I had the first one. I'm grateful that he sent Valentina and hope to see her plenty in the next weeks.

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