Chapter 24 - River

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Last night was fun. I love it when my whole family comes together. Now even more that Dax and I have girlfriends. I'm still surprised at how well Kay reacted to the news about Joan. He and Valentina would make a lovely couple. I have my interview with her tomorrow, and I look forward to it. I was afraid about what she could ask me but heard from the guys and Anthony she makes you feel comfortable.

Dax's girlfriend, Lottie, is a sweet and caring girl. It makes me happy to see my brother in love. She's also maternal and warm like Mom and Boy seems to like her a lot. Kudos to her for raising Henri, who is a funny little man, by herself. At least Dax has us to help him. At one moment, Henri sat next to me and asked me about my injury. His eyes turned big when I told him how it happened.

"A shark could have eaten you," he looked again at my knee which is getting better. I used the rub Anthony made, and it seems to help.

"We don't have sharks in this area. A few stingrays, but also not at this time of the year. They get scared when too many people are in the water."

"You have seen a stingray for real?" he asked in awe.

"Yeah, I have. The aquarium has huge ones, as big as rugs. I can take you there one time if your aunt gives me permission."

"Aunt Lottie? Can I go with Uncle Skye to the aquarium?" he yelled to the group of ladies.

Everybody looked at me. I felt happy and flattered Henri has accepted me so quickly.

"It's okay with me. I guess you can go after the surfing competition finishes," Lottie smiled.

"But that will take too long," he whined.

"Hey man, choose your battles. Lottie said yes, and if you make her angry, she won't let you go at all," I said so only Henri could hear me.

We spent a good time talking about sea animals. I even got my phone out, and we looked at photos in the browser. Henri told me that Dax promised him he would teach him to surf. It will be great to have another surfer in the family.

Today has been a lazy day at home. Dad spared the team from training. Maybe because he ate a lot and went hard at the beers in the fridge last night. He woke up with a massive hangover and even bigger heartburn. Dax and Dylan had to bring him to bed. He hugged Dylan and kept telling him he needs to marry Ross.

Dad sits in his armchair and pretends he is still not hung over, even though it's three in the afternoon. Every time Boy bounced a block on the floor this morning, he winced. Luckily for him, Lottie picked Boy an hour ago to have a sleepover with Henri. Dax took a half-day free and sits at the dining table browsing the internet in his laptop. The doorbell rings and he answers it.

"Dad? Could you please come here?" Dax says from the door.

"Do I have to?" he grumbles.

Dax's face shows that whatever this is about is serious. Dad groans as he stands up and heads to the door. I hear a mumbled conversation, and Dad lets the visitors come inside; a guy around my age and a woman who must be his mom. The guy is awfully pale and looks ill. I wonder who they are as I stand up so they can sit on the couch.

"Skye, call your mom and Luna. Ask them to come here as soon as possible," my dad says in a serious voice.

I grab my phone and go to my bedroom to call Luna. She fights with me on the phone, thinking I'm hiding something from her.

"I have no fucking clue! Get your ass here and bring Mom. Let Dylan close the store. Come quickly!"

I return to the living room and let Dad know I called them. Dax has brought coffee and water to the strange visitors. The woman stares at Dax and me and I feel uncomfortable. Dad sits again in the armchair and rubs his belly. The silence in the room is awful. I'm glad when after ten minutes, I hear Luna's car. Mom and my sister enter the house, and I feel nervous.

"What is going on? Why did you ask us to rush here?" Mom says to Dad.

"Mrs. Kalani-" the guy begins.

"I'm Mrs. Cuevas now. I remarried," Mom says in a stern voice.

"I'm River Garth, and this is my mom Maggie. Sorry for interrupting your day. We need to tell you and Mr. Kalani about something we found out," River says as my mom sits in the second armchair. "I got diagnosed with kidney disease last December, and my doctor recommended a kidney transplant recently. Since my dad passed away in my teens, and I don't have siblings, my mom got tested as a possible donor. We then found out she is not my biological mother," his mother dabs at a few tears with a handkerchief. "We hired a private investigator. He found out that on the day I was born, another baby boy was born around two minutes before to the Kalani family. It seems the nurses mixed the bracelet identifications. We sued the hospital, but thought you should know in case this makes it to the press."

I feel shocked about the news. The switched baby is Dax or me. My mom has her hand over her mouth, and Dad is so pale he looks as if he will faint. Luna moves quickly to the kitchen to get him some water.

"When is your birthday?" Dax asks with a shaky voice.

"October 24th," River looks at my brother. The switched baby is Dax as my birthday is in February.

"No, it can't be right. Mom? Dad? It can't be true," Dax looks shocked and his body trembles.

Mom moves quickly to hug him, followed by the rest of us. I don't care what they say. Dax is my brother, my real baby brother.

"What the hell do you want?" Luna yells at River. "What do you get from bringing sorrow to my family?"

"Luna!" my mom yells at her.

"I want nothing! We are as shocked as you are. My mom is heartbroken. She has me but gave birth to another child, her real son. She will always be my mother, but you and I have the same blood."

I stare at River and see it. The same brown hair, the green eyes, the same flat nose as Dad and me. We have the same face, just a different hairstyle. Mrs. Garth has curly blonde hair and blue eyes, and Dax looks like her. Dax is still in my dad's arms and cleans the tears from his cheeks in a rough way, while Mom sits on the coffee table in front of River. She holds his hand while looking at his face. River can't contain the tears anymore, and Mom clears them with her thumbs.

Mrs. Garth stands up and walks to Dax. He looks at her with so much anger. I'm glad Boy isn't here. He would have freaked out seeing his dad like this. Mrs. Garth tries to touch Dax's hair, but he recoils.

"It's okay. It means life gave me the gift of four kids instead of three," Mom shrugs. I get a big knot in my throat at her words.

"Your name is Dax? That is a beautiful name. I don't know how you are now, but you were a wonderful and quiet baby when I carried you," Mrs. Garth says. Dax isn't moved by her kind words.

"I wish I could say the same about this one. He loved to party every evening, and wouldn't go to sleep until I had a glass of warm milk," my mom smiles.

"Dad, are you okay?" I ask my father. He shakes his head in negative and turns pale while clutching his chest. "Luna call an ambulance!" I shout.

I help my dad to sit in his armchair. He breathes and is conscious, but feels clammy. The news was probably too much for him combined with the stress of the last days and last night's alcohol. I hold his hand and talk nonsense to him to keep him calm.

Eventually, the paramedics arrive and bring Dad to the hospital.

River and Mrs. Garth came as well with us but wait outside the emergency room. The doctor will return at any moment to let us know the diagnosis. Dad rests on a gurney but looks pissed and worried.

"I can't stay here. There is only a short time to finish training the team," Dad says frustrated.

"I will do it."

We all turn and see Jaxon Hale, Kay's father, standing by the door.

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