Chapter 25 - Catch Up

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This is a nightmare. It has to be. Situations like these only happen in movies and bad soap operas. This has to be a mistake.

Skye, Jax, and Dad continue talking about the training while Luna updates Dylan. I'm shocked and heartbroken about everything right now. I can't think of anything else. Mom kisses Dad, who luckily looks much better already, and then walks to me

"Come with me Dax," Mom holds my arm softly.

We head out of the room. River and Mrs. Garth sit in the waiting room and stand up when they see us.

"Maggie, River please join us for coffee," Mom says and they nod.

We walk in silence towards the hospital cafeteria. My mom picks an empty table in a secluded corner and asks what we want to drink. I look down at my lap while she gets the drink order. I'm afraid if I look at them, I will lose my head.

"Here you go," Mom returns and hands out the drinks.

"How is Mr. Kalani doing?" River asks timidly.

"Your father is doing okay," she says while taking her seat.

"Mom!" I interject. He is my dad, not his.

"Dax, you know how we always work issues in our house. Now it's the time to open your mouth and say what you think. I want to hear everything that's in your heart and your head," Mom says, and I detect a hint of a warning.

I let out a huffed breath and run my fingers through my hair. I feel frustrated, angry and so fucking sad. I want to go to Charlotte and the boys, get a hug and forget about everything else.

"Is that- you- you are all so calm about everything! You come into my house with this- this story. Then you expect I'll be all right after hearing my life is a lie. Do you think I will open my arms and take Mrs. Garth as my mother? I find it difficult to believe Luna and Skye are not my blood. That you and Dad are not my parents. Mom, they could be lying. Where are your proofs?"

I feel furious but also relieved after letting out my thoughts.

"Dax, the reason we are calm is that we already went through all the emotions," River says. "We were shocked and couldn't believe the information. We found out about two months ago. The news hit me so hard my blood pressure went through the roof, and I ended up in intensive care. I spent three weeks in the hospital, and I'm still alive by a miracle.

"We have proof of everything we've said and done so far. Mom, could you please hand me the papers? We will do any additional tests you want. I want nothing from you guys. I'm not after money or any interests. My dad left us comfortable for the rest of our lives, but I don't want my mom to be alone if I die."

The reality of River's words shocks me. He could die soon. Mrs. Garth passes me a file. Inside is River's birth certificate with the same birthdate as mine. A paper contains the results of a DNA test confirming that River and Mrs. Garth are not related. I find a large file with the lawsuit details. They aren't lying; it's all here before my eyes.

I pass the documents to my mom and rub my face. I look at Mrs. Garth, my biological mother, and I'm just the male version of her. River looks like Skye.

"Dax, we didn't want to cause you and your family any trouble," Mrs. Garth looks at her lap. "But we also find it unfair to keep this information to ourselves."

I let out a deep breath. Mrs. Garth's eyes have the same sadness Mom had when Skye was in the hospital. I try to put myself in her shoes. What if it was Boy? What if he gets ill and I can't save him because he is not my son? I understand the frustration.

Mom is in deep thought. This must be hard for her as well. First, Skye, now River.

Normally I'm a stubborn person. It works well for negotiating in my job, but we are not talking about clauses in a contract. I'm hurt and lost, but we are all in the same situation. Maybe Mom has a point: now she has four kids, and I have two moms.

"Mrs. Garth, I'm sorry about my reaction. We are in a strange situation, but we will work it out," she lifts her face to look at me and looks relieved.

"River, I would like to get tested and hopefully be your kidney donor," we all look at Mom in surprise.

"Mrs. Cuevas..." River's breath hitches from the emotion.

"Honey, you can call me Sadie," she squeezes his hand.

"Sadie... I- I can't let you do that. It's a risky operation," he shakes his head.

"Why not? I would do it for any of my kids. You are my child too."

River looks at Mrs. Garth. Her hand covers her mouth. I understand how Mom feels. I would give my life for Boy.

"Don't you need to consult with Mr. Cuevas first?" River asks.

I snort. "Yeah, right, Mom asking permission for anything. You don't know her yet. She is stubborn and won't change her mind," I say to him.

"Oh God... This is- You are too kind. I didn't expect this. This was not the reason we came to see you. I'm so grateful," he stands to hug my mom.

Maggie stands up and hugs my mom. She thanks my mom over and over for giving their son a chance.

"We need to catch up on so many things," Mom chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Dax, why don't you tell them about you? She has missed the last 28 years of your life."

I take a deep breath. How to summarize everything?

"I'm a lawyer and a widower. My wife Natalie died two years ago in a surfing accident where I also got injured. We have a son called Beau, who is two and a half years old. I grew up between the beach and the city. I'm a surfer and will compete soon professionally for the first time."

River smiles and Mrs. Garth looks at me with pride. I take out my phone and show her a picture of Boy. She looks at him and smiles. She gives the phone to River, and his eyes widen in surprise.

"What is it?" I feel curious.

"Beau looks like Dad. I don't have pictures of him with me, but he does," he hands me the phone back. I feel glad to know that detail.

"What about you sweetheart? Tell me about yourself," Mom asks River.

"I grew up in the suburbs, and I teach English in an elementary school. Well, I haven't been able to in the last semester. I've had girlfriends, but never been married, and don't have kids. I would like to date but it's tricky with my dialysis schedule."

"How often do you have to do it?" I ask.

"Every two days. Each session takes six hours. I'm due the next one tomorrow."

"That sounds hard," I say.

"It was at the beginning, but now I watch movies, read or play with my phone. The treatment keeps me alive, so I don't mind it much," River shrugs.

"Is your brother in the same competition?" Mrs. Garth asks.

"Yeah, Skye is excellent."

"I'm excellent at what?"

We all turn to see my brother walk towards us.

"At surfing. I find it amazing that you all do it. I can't even swim," River says.

"Are you sure you have Kalani blood in you? We are practically fishes!" Skye lifts an eyebrow and makes us smile.

This is a new situation for everybody, but I'm glad that besides the shock, we can find humor in it.

"The doctor said we can go home. Dad has a mad heartburn from the food and the alcohol. The doctor said it can mimic heart attack symptoms. His blood pressure is high. He has to chill, diet, can't drink alcohol and needs to make sure he takes his pills."

We all return to the emergency room, and Dad smiles when he sees us come inside together. I think I will come tomorrow to the hospital to keep River company. I have a lot to catch up with him.

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