Chapter 11 - Crushed Ego

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I don't regret this at all. I break the kiss, and Lottie's eyes are still closed. Her lips are parted. It's a beautiful sight.

"Dax..." she whispers.

"I hope I haven't upset you."

"No, of course not. It was lovely."

She smiles shyly as I caress her sweet cheeks and give her another small kiss.

"Thanks for taking such good care of me. Now and every day," I hug her goodbye then grab my bag and leave to my office.

I can't stop smiling. What just happened feels right. Until now, I didn't realize that what I miss in my life is not a mother for Boy, it's someone who cares about me.

I have known Lottie for two years, and she has never brought up during our chats that she has a boyfriend or is married. She didn't break the kiss, so I guess she is available.

The elevator brings me to my office on the fifth floor. I wave to our assistants as I walk in and head to my desk.

"You look like a girl with that hair," Dominic smirks. "Did you play with a razor this morning?"

For the first time, I'm in such a good mood I don't give a damn about his stupid remarks.

"Yeah," I say without going into details.

I grab my Oceancrush file and go over my notes. The expansion of the retail space in this mall is complete, and the new store will open officially with a big bang in a week. A DJ will play, models will show their latest fashion on a catwalk, and they will hold an autograph session with their top sportsmen. The talk of today will be to discuss the expansions of their stores in all of our properties.

"Dax? Your visitors from Oceancrush are here," one of our assistants says from the door.

I put my files in my writing portfolio and walk to the meeting room. I freeze by the door at the sight of the people inside it. Their lawyer, operations director, and marketing guy are here, but also is the company's owner, Xavier Crush. I take a deep breath and put on my best smile as I enter the room.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Good to see you again. A pleasure to meet your Mr. Crush. I'm Dax Kalani," I shake hands with them and take my seat.

Crush stares at me, specifically at my injury.

"Sand facial?" he smiles.

My mouth pops open, and I nod. Crush's employees stare at him with puzzled faces.

"I've had enough of those in my life," he leans back in his chair. "They hurt like hell. Put ice on your cheek, and you will be okay in a few days."

"Thanks for the advice," I smile shyly as I distribute the copies of the agreements and begin the meeting. "Here are the amendments to the leases of all the other retail locations with the space increase. I've worked in your comments and wording changes; the pages are in red line where I have done this. The only clause we are not willing to negotiate is the suggested payment terms. Sixty days are just too long, and we find 45 days a fair amount of time. The rest of the tenants have a 30-day term."

"Mr. Kalani, we feel that with the increased amount of space, the 60 days is appropriate," their lawyer says.

"Forty-five days is fine. Next point," Mr. Crush says in an authoritative voice.

We go through the hot topics in the contract, and I'm relieved when Mr. Crush signs it.

"Gentlemen, can I speak in private with Mr. Kalani?" he says to his employees. They excuse themselves and head outside.

I'm curious and afraid of what this could be about.

"What were you doing when it happened?" he motions to my face. I'm at a loss for words for a moment. "Hey, I can recognize a serious surfer from miles away. Tell me about it."

"A cutback. Moved my foot too close to the rail and wiped at a sandbank."

"A surfer lawyer, quite a rare species," he laughs.

"Doesn't your lawyer surf?" I ask with curiosity.

"Most of my staff doesn't, including those three outside. They are smart people and do a good job, but they don't understand what all of this is about. Who taught you?"

"My father."

"Your last name is Kalani, so you must be one of Ash's kids," he smiles warmly.

"You know my father?" I ask surprised.

"Since we were kids. He is an outrageous surfer and an awesome snowboarder. We recently met each other by coincidence in the mountains. A kind and helpful man with a sailor's mouth."

"That sounds like my dad."

Inside, I'm screaming like a little girl. Crush knows Dad!

"I will head down now to see our new store. I'm looking forward to the opening and presenting the new team to the public. Are you going to watch the competition in Sea Glass?"

"I will take part," I feel embarrassed. I'm an amateur next to Crush's professional competitors.

"Fantastic! I'm sure you will be a worthy opponent. I'm pleased to meet you, Dax. Please send my greetings to your father."

We shake hands and head outside. After escorting my visitors to the door, I walk back to my desk and have so many feelings going through me. I want to cry from happiness.

"Are you teary? I hope the meeting wasn't too difficult for you," Dominic says from his desk. Even his condescending comment doesn't bother me.

"The meeting was perfect, and Xavier Crush signed the contract," I smirk.

"Even the payment terms? Wait a minute! Crush, as in the owner, was here?" he asks surprised.

"Yup," I only say and walk out. I feel like getting a fresh cup of coffee from my favorite cafe; and asking the gorgeous girl who manages it on a date.

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