Warmth Of His Body

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"Get out!!!"

"I didn't see anything!"

"That basically insinuates you did!" I shouted back and he turned around.

"I didn't know you were in here! I usually use this bathroom!"

"How was I supposed to know that? And wait a minute... are you blaming me for being here?!"

"Don't misunderstand. I'm just trying to reason with you."

"Reason?! How would you feel if someone walked in on you naked?!"

"I didn't see anything and I would have locked the door in the first place!"

"So this is my fault?!"

"I'm not saying –look..." he put his hand to his head. "Let's just deal with this like rational adults," I pressed my lips together. This was so humiliating... I wanted to crawl into a hole. I wanted to go back to my small, safe apartment.

"How are you supposed to un-see..." I exhaled while trying to gather my senses again.

What was I still doing here? I started to head out of the bathroom.

"Forget it!" I shouted, but as I walked forward carelessly, my feet, which were still wet from being in the shower, made me slip forward.

Kai, who reacted automatically to my impending face plant, raced forward and grabbed a hold of me. He was holding onto my bare arms and my face was touching his perfectly, toned chest. I tried squirming away.

"Please, just stop! You'll hurt yourself again! I know you hate this, but just wait!" I stopped protesting and he lifted me up. We were facing each other and in this close proximity I saw his hair, falling forward. He usually had it swooped over to the side. We were sharing the same space again but this time I was aware of the warmth of his hands on my arms.

I was drawn in by his full lips and... was that a mole near his eyebrow? I looked towards the floor, trying to distract myself.

"Let go..." I was finally standing upright. I didn't look at him and instead I just walked past him. I didn't dare look behind me...

For the next few hours, I spent time in my room. I didn't know what else to do other than overthink about what happened with Kai. Whether or not he saw something... the whole situation was just too embarrassing.

I bit into one of the throw pillows on my bed and then pressed my face into it, screaming until it felt like I would pass out. I then leaned my head against the mountain of pillows behind me and wanted to cry myself to sleep... at least there I wouldn't have to think about what happened between us...


When I woke up, it was already the morning. 

I decided to go downstairs and get some breakfast. I decided to forget everything that happened in the bathroom between me and Kai. And just imagine it was all a figment of my imagination... I would just act normally around him. I had to...

But as soon as I got to the kitchen he was there with Nathan, drinking coffee. I pivoted around, like the coward I was to head back upstairs, but I was intercepted by Edna.

"Oh, dear! I'm so glad to see you out and about!" I shook my head from side to side, pushing my lips together and hoping she would let me leave, but Nathan had already heard her and shouted over for me to join them. Edna held my hand and brought me forward.

"How have you been?" Nathan asked as I sat down across from them. After Edna helped me sit, she walked back to get me something to eat.

"I'm feeling... much better," I tried smiling, but I think that expression came out distorted. Kai laughed a bit. Some food spat out of his mouth.

Nathan passed him a napkin and then he looked at me concerned. I glared at Kai, wishing I could kick his leg from underneath the table. So this was how he wanted to react?

"I'm fine... just a little stressed," I laughed nervously, sipping on some water. Edna arrived with a plate of food for me. At that moment, Kai dropped his cutlery. Nathan tried to press me on what was going on.

"Oh, you know, the usual... not being able to work on my art..." Nathan sighed and Kai continued to eat his breakfast....

"That's... I'm sorry, Hazel... maybe I can--"Nathan's phone rang and he excused himself to take it. Shortly after, Edna excused herself so she could go wake up Mackenzie for school.

"You... don't you have any shame for what you did?" Kai nearly choked on his food.


"What's so funny?" he paused, thinking about his reaction from just a moment ago?

"Nothing... to be honest, I didn't think you'd be able to sit in the same room as me for at least a month."

"What? Do you think I'd be so affected by this?"

"You seemed pretty upset yesterday... granted, I should have knocked just in case someone was using my bathroom."

"There was steam in the room. I think anyone would be able to figure out it was in use."

"A bathroom can also have steam left over in it for a period of time from previous use."

"So what you're saying is that you're not responsible for any of this?"

"What I'm saying is... that it was an accident. I don't make it a habit to peep on women in the shower. Let alone you of all people."

"Me? Of all people"

"What I mean is—" I scoffed.

"So what? Do you think I wanted to look at you? Of all people?" he scoffed as well, putting down his cutlery again and we stared at one another. It seemed like little lightning bolts were striking between the two of us. Nathan entered the room again, unbeknownst to us.

"Am I interrupting something?" he smiled and we both looked at him.

"No!" we said in unison.

"Okay... Kai, we have to leave now. There are some matters to discuss over our overseas suppliers as well as the charity event..." Kai nodded while standing up and then walked past me. I crossed my arms, thinking about how one of these days I would get back at him... I sat down for another while, thinking about what I would do for the rest of the day.

When I got upstairs, however, there was something dangling on my doorknob. It was a bag with something inside... when I looked at some of the lotions inside there was a range of treatments for helping speed up the healing of bruising.

I looked around wondering who left this here for me... the only person I could think of would have been Charlie or even James... but even so, Charlie seemed to be the better candidate.

Whoever it was, I appreciated the thought. The doctor had told everyone I'd experience a lot of bruising and by now it was probably in full effect. When I saw it a few days ago, it was really bad... but having this come at the right time was pretty great.

When Edna came up later to serve me lunch, I asked her to help me put some ointment on if it wasn't too much trouble. She helped me in a heartbeat and I was grateful for that.

After my 'treatment,' I thought about going back to the studio in the next few days if I was up to it... I couldn't imagine spending another week in this house... so with a little determination, I managed to get 'better,' in a week and a half, rather than 2 weeks. I decided to come back 'earlier,' than anticipated.

When I finally saw Rae, I was excited to see a familiar face...

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