Kai and I... Alone Together In The Bahamas?!

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"I'm so sorry!!" I couldn't believe I nearly hit him. He dodged the bat in time...

"What on earth are you --and what are you doing here?" Kai seemed to be gathering himself from the shock. He sighed while holding his hand to his chest.

"Nathan... thought it would be a good idea for me to spend some time away from Ravenwolf... why are you here?"

"We have VVIP clients here that I visit annually for their patronage. They were close friends with my grandfather..."

The dots seemed to be clicking together. Nathan, that little snake sometimes...

"Maybe... I should leave? I can make a reservation at a--"

"It's fine... after all, there's many rooms here and we're living together anyway..."

But it's just the two of us... why didn't I think about that too... I wanted to retract my statement but Kai seemed indifferent. So he shrugged and said: "alright...but be careful with that..." he pointed towards the bat and I nodded while placing it behind my back...

"So... these VVIP clients... how long will you be here for?"

"5 days... they collect vintage cars but every year they gift multiple cars from our S-Line to a relative, business partners and friends..."

"That must be nice..." having all of that money. How rich were these people? 

"So, they have a house here, I'm assuming?"

"Yes, they have a few restaurant businesses and an estate. They have a private yacht as well."

I didn't know if my eyes could widen any larger... maybe there were dollar signs in my irises. The Bahamas were one of the most expensive places to live or 'retire' in... so I could only imagine what kind of money they make. Enough to bring the president of Ravenwolf to personally spend one week with them.

"Well... enjoy your private brunches and champagne on the yacht while I humbly enjoy the view of the beach from here.." I walked past him... 

I'm sure he probably smiled...


I slept well last night. I'm sure it was because of the calming waves in the background... I couldn't believe just one night allowed me to forget a little about the chaos that happened just barely a week ago... 

It was tough giving my statement to the police even after the incident because I was already re-living it in my nightmares... but this... seemed to remedy some of the pain left in my heart. For that, I'm grateful Nathan shipped me away to this place.


Bright and early in the morning, I went to the kitchen to make myself a berry smoothie.

Nathan told me that if I wanted to explore the city or go shopping, I just needed to let him know and he'll have someone escort me. I wanted to spend some more time relaxing by the water... I may talk a walk later. But for now, I was enjoying being lazy.

Mid-way through my smoothie I heard the doorbell ring. I waited for Kai to come out... but I thought about how it could be possible he was still sleeping. So I got up to see who was here this early... when I looked out the peephole it was an older looking couple. They were both wearing flip flops and had casual wear on. They looked like they were about to go sit down at a slot machine in Vegas.

When I opened the door they greeted me happily.

"Hello darling... we are looking for Kai," the woman asked.

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