House of Newbies/House of Flirtation

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Anubis was receiving a new college student today. Nobody knew it yet though. Everyone was at the dining table eating quietly when there was a knock at the door. Everyone looked around. "The mailman doesn't come until supper." Mara frowned. Alfie was counting if someone was missing.

There was another knock.

"Will someone please go check the door?" Patricia asked. Nina got up and answered the door. " I know you?"

"My name is Chris Mattely. I'm the new student, and this is the house I was assigned to." He told her. "Oh okay, come in. I'll take that." Nina took his suitcase and put it in the foyer. She led him into the dining room.

"We were having breakfast. There's a free seat over there. Oh, and my name's Nina." Nina held her hand out and he shook it.

"That's Amber, Eddie, Patricia, Fabian, Mara, Joy, Jerome, and Alfie. You guys, this is Chris." Chris waves his hand at them and everyone said hello.

Chris was American. He had a pompadour hairstyle. He had dark green eyes, and he was cute. You could tell he was the bad boy type.

"He looks a little obnoxious..." Alfie whispered to Amber in a discreet tone. "Alfie, hush." She shushed him.

" there a housemother?" Chris asked. "Um, no we have to clean up after ourselves." Nina explained.

"Ooo. Careful Sweetie Jr., bad boy number two is going to take your place. And looks like he may have the hots for your sister." Jerome chuckled to Eddie as he watched Chris make his plate and sit next to Nina.

"Okay, there is no way that Nina will like him. She likes guys like Fabian, remember?" Eddie whispered back.

"Hey, this seat taken?" Chris asked. " You can sit there." Nina replies.


Nina was washing the dishes, when Chris turned off the TV and turned around. "Hey."

Nina looked up at him. "Hi."

"Gonna teach me how to wash the dishes?" Chris walked over to her and watched her scrub plates.

Nina laughed. "You don't know how to wash dishes?"

"I mean I do, but you're scrubbing and drying in a way I've never done before. Apparently I need to learn from the best." Chris joked. Nina laughed. "Okay, you're funny. Grab those gloves."

He did as he was told, and they smiled at each other.
That's another chapter for you guys! Hoped ou enjoyed. How do you like that Chris and Nina thing blooming there?


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