House of Taken/House of Plans

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All of the Anubis kids are walking back to the house, eager to see how Nina was doing. Especially Chris, he was anxious all day.

Once they were back to the house, Chris ran into the common room. They expected to see him attacking her with kisses, but they only found him with a blank expression on his face. Fabian was about to ask him what was wrong, but he ran upstairs.

They all hear a manly scream. "Chris, dude, what's the matter?" Alfie asked.

"Nina's not on the couch, Nina's not upstairs, and I'm pretty sure she's not in the bathroom or boys' bedrooms." Chris verified.

Sibuna looked at each other. But apparently, Chris has good eyesight. "You know something don't you? Tell me what. I need to know what happened to my girlfriend."

"Are you sure?" Alfie asked. "Yes."

"Alright." Patricia said. "Let's start from the beginning." Fabian began.

They told him about Joy's disappearence, Nina's sudden appearance, the search for the cup, Rufus Zeno, Nina being the Chosen One, second term, the Mask of Anubis, the tunnels, the tasks, Senkhara, Rufus's second appearance, how Nina wore the mask, Senkhara's possession, Eddie being Nina's Osirian, how he saved her, the third term, how Nina didn't come back, the sinners, Robert Frobisher-Smythe, the endless storm, senior year, the touchstone, the newbies, Sophia, how Eddie sacrificed the Osirian, how Sophia turned to stone, and to now.

Chris looked like there was a thousand emotions across his face. "I know, its alot to take in." Eddie said. "Just breathe."

"You guys have been through alot, huh?" Chris asked. "You have no idea." Patricia sighed.

Then, the floor got really smokey. The smoke formed a tied up person on the ground—Nina. "Oh my god. Nina." Chris went over to her. Nina looked at him. "Help me...he wants the Bracelet of Amneris." Then, Nina disappeared.

"He who?" Mara wondered.

"Who cares? Let's find this freaking bracelet and get Nina back." Chris declared. "What is the Bracelet of Amneris?" Joy asked.

"I don't know, but it can't be good if whoever wants it had to take Nina to get it. How about this," Fabian started off, "Mara and I do some research, Alfie and Amber look for clues, the rest wait for Nina."


That's it people!


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