House of You/House of Exposed

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Eddie and Fabian were just walking through the halls getting ready for Health class.

"I can't believe that Mrs. Edward is making me do detention." Eddie complained while getting his books for class.

"Well, you did send a note to Patricia on how annoyingly stupid Mrs. Edward was." Fabian pointed out. "She should know how annoyingly stupid she is!" Eddie laughed while saying.

"Okay, Eddie. I have to go to the computer lab. History project for Professor Smear."

"On what?"

"Egpytian pyraminds." He answered. "Okay, later."


Fabian walked to the computer lab, but when he reached the front door, it was dark inside and he heard someone laughing maniacally. Then they started hacking.

Fabian peeked in the window, and see that it was Amelia Pinches on her computer.

"Boo!" A voice yelled behind him. Fabian jumped. "Nina!" Fabian took a breath. She laughed. "Ever since I've been dating Chris I've been getting more scarier!" She smiled. Fabian fake grinned, "Heh, heh."

Fabian turned his fake grin into a sad look on his face. "What's wrong?" Nina asked.

"Mara and I--we broke up." Her eyes brightened. "You did! I mean, you did?"

"Yeah." "Aw. Come here." She gave him a hug.


They take out their phones.

I have juicy drama for my lovelies!

Okay, so get this: Fabina may be back on soon! My spies have caught Mabian breaking up, and while that was happening, they've exchanged a few words:

"I think I still have feelings for Mick."

"I'm still in love with Nina."

A 'squeeeeeeeeee' goes through the hallway.

Nina and Fabian blinked and looked around, but returned to reading their phones.

Fabian leaned against the computer lab's door and heard Amelia typing.

"Could she be...?" Fabian whispered to himself.

I'll be watching!

Luv you, Apophis

Fabian grabbed Nina's hand and dragged her inside of the computer lab.

Amelia quickly closed her laptop. "Hello Fabian and Nina. Are you two back together?" She asked looking at their hands.

Nina immediately let go. "No, I'm still dating Chris." She corrected. Fabian rolled his eyes.

"Well, goodbye then!" Amelia waved her hand goodbye, and left. She left the computer lab. "She left her laptop. Hey-" Fabian covered Nina's mouth, but Nina removed it.

"What's going on, Fabian?" Fabian walked over to Amelia's laptop, and Nina followed him.

"I think Amelia is Apophis."

They both sat down in the chairs, and Nina went silent. "So, you still love me?" Nina asked. Fabian's face was red. Nina tilted her head and smiled, and Fabian faced her.

He inhaled, "Yes. I do still love you. And I know you're with Chris, but...I just need you to know that, so you can figure out who you want later on."

Nina raised her eyebrows, and nodded. "Thank you for giving me that choice." She smiled. Fabian nodded.

While seconds of staring went by, Fabian coughed and went back to working on Amelia's laptop.

When he turned it on, there was a password. Nina sighed. "How are we supposed to get in now?"

Fabian snapped his fingers. "Name possible Alfie and Amelia ship names." Nina frowned, confused. "Please?"

"Um...Alfelia, Amelfie..."

Fabian entered the two, and surprisingly, the last one worked. "Wow. I, didn't think that would work." Fabian chuckled.

"What are we looking for?" Nina asked. "This." Fabian clicked on 'the Anubians' document.

"This has all the posts Apophis has made the past two months!" Nina gasped. "We found our mystery blogger."


Amelia was washing her hands in the washroom, she was cornered in by the Anubis girls in the bathroom.

Amelia jumped. "Hello." She greeted.

"We know you're the mystery blogger!" Amber blurted out. "Amber." Nina stated. "We know you're Apophis."

"No, I'm not." Amelia denied. "Oh, stop hiding it. Fabian and Nina found proof." Joy shook her head at her.

"Why do you hate us so much?" Patricia asked.

"It's not that I hate you...I just--I want in." Amelia awkwardly shrugged her shoulders.

"In? There's no 'in'." Mara told her. "Puh-lease. With all your whispering, group meetings, a-and back in high school, you had this weird thing of disappearing during important events. It's like you were living in a soap opera, and I wanted to be apart of the show."

"By blogging about us?" Nina asked. "I am sorry about that. And you can tell your boyfriends to stop listening in behind the door, I apologize to them, too."

"We accept!" Alfie yelled.

"I'll stop blogging about you guys. I swear it." Amelia promised.

"Thank you, Amelia."


Amelia Pinches is Apophis!!!


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