colors pt.5

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It's been a few months since the meeting as we've started to refer to it. We've become practically attached at the hip since then, and despite everyone knowing we've met our soulmate, we're still keeping the other a sort-of-secret from our families.

"Everyone's okay though, right? They all made it out safely?" I ask Peter after he finishes telling me the events of his decathlon trip to DC he used to chase down a criminal a few weeks ago. "Including yourself?"

"Yeah, but—" He tries to argue from his place resting on my lap, "—but it could have gone wrong. People could have gotten hurt or—"

"But they didn't." I reassure him as I gently run my fingers through his hair. "No one got hurt, and you still have a lead on where they're getting supplies. I call that a win in my book." He sighs and I continue to reassure him, "I mean, what you did was amazing, and I couldn't possibly be more proud of you. Because no matter what happens, you're always doing your best to help people. It's just one of the many reasons we're soulmates."

"How is it you always know how to make me feel better?" Peter asks with a small smile on his face as his gloved finger traces the pattern of my leggings.

"Because it's my job as your soulmate and girlfriend to always remind you how amazing you really are." I tell him as I admire his features. Perfect brown hair with the natural curls I love so much, brown eyes that seem to see right through me, his crooked nose from the times he told me he broke it, and the lips I find myself daydreaming of kissing. "Especially in times like this when you seem to forget."

Peter sits up on the bed a soft, bittersweet smile on his face. "So, I've been meaning to ask you this, and you can say 'no' if you don't actually want to come. It's—it's just I was wondering—that is would you like to—" His cheeks turn red as he stumbles over his words, which I let him navigate through instead of interrupting, "—you know what I'm just gonna say it. Y/N Delmar, would you go to homecoming with me?"

A blush coats my own cheeks. "Is Peter Parker really asking me to Homecoming?" I tease and take his hand in mine. "Because if he is, I will gladly accept."

"Really?!" He shouts before realizing it and lowering his voice. "I mean, really? You—you wanna come to homecoming with me?"

"Of course, I would! Why wouldn't I?" I smile at him and relish in the way his eyes are all lit up with joy, but there's a bit of apprehension lingering there. It breaks my heart to see the doubt he has that I could really care about him. My palm rests on his cheek as I try to find the words to ease his fears. "You know I don't care if people think you're a nerd or whatever. I like you for who you are—the smart, kind, caring Peter Parker that I get to call my soulmate."

He shakes his head with a dopey grin on his face, and I almost think he's going to kiss me by the way he leans in ever so slightly. "I-I should probably get going. I have a—um—big Spanish test in the morning." He whispers just a few inches away from me.

"O-okay." I whisper back still lost in the haziness that comes with us being so close. It takes me a moment to come back to my senses and pull back. "Don't forget to call me if you can't stop by?" He nods and slips on his mask. In a moment of bravery, I lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight, Peter."

"Good—goodnight, Y/N." He stutters before slipping out the window and sneaking off into the night. Meanwhile, I shut and lock the window after him before collapsing on my bed. My fingers brush against my lips as I imagine what it would be like to kiss Peter Parker and how cute he looks when he's nervous or confused or happy or talking about what happened on patrol. The mere thought of him sends my heart hammering in my chest and a feeling of joy to overwhelm me.

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