biker girls & diner boys pt.3

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I lean against the worn down bricks of the rec center and wait for Peter to show up. Ever since last night, I can't stop thinking about Peter, why he was out here, what he's doing, and why he lied to me about it. That's what stings the most.

It's always been a theme in my life. People I get close to almost always lie to me, about both big and small things. My mom lied to me about my dad, and both of them constantly lied to each other. Friends lied to me to keep their positions in our social groups. I lie to myself that it doesn't matter—that it doesn't hurt.

I thought Peter might be the one to break that cycle.

No, I remind myself, he's still Peter, the sweet, caring guy that I'm lucky enough to call my boyfriend. If he was keeping a secret or not telling me about this, there's got to be a reason, right? I'm not gonna make any judgements until I know for sure.

I'm distracted from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps approaching with the soft clicking of bicycle gears. Peter approaches with a timid grin. "Hey," I smile as the butterflies return in a massive rush despite the circumstances, "you ready?"

"Yeah, but I thought this place was closed."

"To the public, yeah." I shrug and pull the keys out my pocket. "The owner's a regular at the garage, drives the same crappy car he's had for most of his life. I always help him fix it up and save a few bucks. So, when this place got closed by the townie's council, he gave me a set of keys to make sure I could still workout and tinker in peace."

"I haven't been here since I was a kid." Peter mumbles as we walk inside. "Uncle Ben used to bring me here all the time."

"It's a pretty cool place if you ignore all the duct tape and dust. C'mon, I wanna show you something." I chuckle and grab his hand. We weave down the stairs and through abandoned chairs to where I helped the guys mount the plaque. It's quiet for a moment as Peter takes it in and reads the words, 'The Benjamin Parker Recreational Center — We reach for the stars he showed us.' "We put it up shortly after he passed. The whole community came out, even your aunt was here, and Lucas, the owner, officially renamed and dedicated this place."

"How come I didn't know about this?" He asks softly as his eyes trail over his uncle's picture.

"Your aunt said you weren't ready to come yet. Of course, within the month, the all powerful council decided they wanted to close it down too." I shake my head as the bitterness fills my mouth. "At the rate they're going, nothing will be left of the greasers' side of town, which I think is the point."

"It seems like it, huh?" Peter asks as the haze of emotions seem to dispel. "So, I probably should explain myself."

"Not if you don't want to, you know I never want to put you in a bad situation." I remind him, and he nods still determined. "Should we be sitting down for this?"

"Probably." He chuckles as we both sit down in creaky, metal chairs. "It's a long story, but it all started when we went on our junior trip to New York. We got to go to a bunch of museums, visit sights, and tour some different industries.

"Something happened when we were at OSCORPS, and I got bit by this weird spider." He pauses and rubs a thumb over his hand, where I assume the spider bit him. "After that I got really sick, I ended up missing the rest of the trip because of it and didn't start to feel better until a day or two after we got back. Thing is—when I did, I felt different."

"Different how?" I ask before I can think better of it.

"Stronger, faster, better? My glasses were too strong, and I didn't need them. I almost tore my door off the frame, and I kept sticking to things. It was crazy. I felt like I was invincible." He shakes his head, "Not long after that, I got in a fight with May and stormed off. She called Ben to come help track me down. It's why he left early and—"

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