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Jennie's P.O.V.

"Tonight was fun.. " I giggled as we walked our way to the building.. " yes it was.. Especially since I'm with you." he said as he looked at me, while my cheeks flushed red with his words and gaze ... "oh, you're blushing.." he whispered in my ear, teasing me.. I became more flustered and I hit him slightly, "No I'm not!" he mocked as I yelled at him. "What?" I ask him, confused. He still continues to mock me and I started to feel grumpy.. What the hell, Jimin..

"You looked cute blushing.. But you're also cute when you're grumpy.." i rolled my eyes over him and just continued walking, "Aish, you're always cute.. " pfft.. Liar.

A few blocks away and now we've arrived in front of my building.. " Ah Jimin, I guess I'll get going now.. I'll just go to the dorm on my own.. " he disagreed, " no. I'll come with you. I don't want to be a bad boyfriend by leaving you on your own.."

"It's fine Jimin. My dorm in this building.. And also, it's pretty late. Your hyungs will be looking for you.. " there's nothing he could do so he ended up agreeing.. Besides I would just keep on insisting, it would still end the same way. "Alright sweetheart.. Goodnight and I love you." he pressed his lips against my forehead after saying those sweet words. "Goodnight Jimin, Take care!" I say as I do an aegyo. "Goodbye.." he watches me as I went in the building until I was up the stairs..

That was a really long and tiring day but it was beautiful.. My mind was stuck with the train of thoughts when suddenly a hand grabbed me into a dark corner. "Hey, who are-" his index finger shushed me and I only realized it was Taehyung. "It's me, Jennie.." I felt much relieved that it was only him but he just scared me to death. " You didn't have to scare me" he just replied with a cold "I'm sorry." which made wonder if there's something up with him. He didn't look fine either and all he did was take me to the fire exit and we rushed over into an apartment.

Wait, Apartment? Why would he bring me to an apartment? "Don't worry, there's no one here at night.." it doesn't really matter for now but what's in here though? And why would he take me here...he suddenly pulls me to the staircase, running and panting.

We had reached the eight floor and I could feel my breath hitched as my sweat dropped to my shirt. Is this the destination he's taking me to? Or do we still have to go on many floors?

I feel like dying... where is he taking me to?

My gaze averted to him and he was kneeling with his back facing me.. What is he doing? 9i stayed quiet for a moment waiting for him to say something... Is he even gonna tell me where we're going? He suddenly faces me, still kneeling and smiles. "Get on my back." wait what? "Bu-buragu?!" (what?) I asked out of shock. Why would he ask me to get on his back?

He lets out a small giggle which completely bothered me as to why he would do that. What the hell is he doing to me.. You're killing me Taehyung.. "I think my FRIEND needs a ride.. You seem tired so get on my back.." the way he emphasized the word FRIEND just made my heart ache. Right, we're friends.. You're friends Jennie.. Nothing else, nothing more..

I got on his back and wrapped my arms around him. He stared at me for a while and I tried to not get obvious and averted my eyes to the surroundings around us. Why is he staring at me like this...

wait, that painting is cute.. Just like him, he's cuter though. Wait, What? You're supposed to focus on something else Not HIM... pfft.. Why am i like this..

I never realized we were now on the twelfth floor, with him panting so hard.. "Taeh you can just put me down. I can walk on my own.." I suggested, giving a forcing tone to make him consider my words.. He didn't speak but just smiled and now we've reached the rooftop.

"Wait, you were only gonna take me to the rooftop?" he nodded with a cute smile which made my heart flutter. He led me to a spot and we squatted on the ground. "why do you wanna take me here?" he sighed and looked up to the stars, and back at me, "i wanted to talk with someone." his words seemed a little down, "i just feel a little down today, i'm sorry i had to drag you.."

" no, it's fine.. What are friends for.." I said smiling at him as he smiles back at me.. Friends..

He heaved a sigh until his face drastically changed into a frown. "Well, i can't really tell you what happened... but it's something a little heavier." he starts, "the knots are untying, the bridge is falling, the bond is getting weak.. It's something similar to that..." mine was similar to that with him. Our bond started to fade, and everything between us was falling apart... and now, we're starting anew, as friends. It's at least better than nothing though.

He started to get teary, as he looked up to the skies, looking at the beautiful stars.. "You can cry whenever you want to, i'll be here for you.." I smiled at him as his lips started to twitch into a boxy smile. His smile is still the cutest.. "Lay down.." he says as he puts his head over his arms. I started to put my head down, when an arm catched it. Taeh gazed at me, as my head weighed on his arm and I tried to look away. "It's really fine you know-" i tried to put my head up, telling him i would be fine if his arm wasn't there. But he cut me off, and hit my head for it to fall into his arm. I guess we'll stay like this for awhile..

"When I feel down, I just look up to the skies, and gaze at the constellations above me. But i always stare at them all by myself. I want to be able to focus on setting my mind in peace."

"But why did you bring me with you, tonight?" he sighed, smiling, as he looked up at the sky.

"You make me feel a lot safer.. And I think most of my trust is with you... And we're closer than we think we are.." Closer... Trust... Safe... WE.. we.....

I look up at the night sky, with thousands of constellations, all the unreachable stars, and the clouds right from above,the heavens, the cold breeze surrounding us, it does feel peaceful.. It relieves me, it heals me. "I never knew I could trust the night sky.. " i never knew, i could release everything for at least a moment though the scars never heal...

I tried to close my eyes and break free from all the thoughts that wandered around my mind. Imagining a whole new universe, an alluring paradise where there's no else but me, alone. Or, so I thought. I wasn't alone by myself, but alone, with you..

There's something in me.. This euphoria I feel with.. You.. I try to picture you out of the puzzle countless times, but the more I do, the more it appears that the image isn't complete without you..

I stared at him while he gazed at the constellations from above, him sinking in my thoughts.. Why do you have to be in that picture? It's always you, why does it have to be you?

All my thoughts began to break off as the world stopped with your gaze. I can't seem to see anything else around me, but you. ME and YOU, alone.. My heart beats as loud as the drums, as fast as the rush of blood in my veins whenever I see you.

Your face gets closer and closer as my heartbeat pace gets quicker and quicker. Eyes closed, faces inches far, the tip of our noses touching and I realized..

What are you doing to me? Why do you do this to me?

Just when you were about to put your lips against mine, I flinched.. I'm sorry but this can't be...

Though i wanted you and longed for it, there's still thousands of things i have to fix, including me....

Why must this happen to me?



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