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Taehyung's P.O.V.

How could Jennie be doing right now? She must've been wortied I haven't messaged ger this whole day.

"Hoseok Hyung, Tell our managers I'll be going somewhere for awhile." I hastily picked up my bag, rushing towards the exit.

"Ah Taehyung-sshi!" A voice of a woman called from the back, which I believe is Irene.

She rushes near, offering me a tiny box which had a ribbon on top. "It's a small gift, to thank you for agreeing to have a collaboration with us. I just gave this ahead in case I might not have any chance to give it to you..."

"Thank you, Irene~sshi. " I said, as I hastily kept the box in my bag, rushing out the door.

Call | Message

I decided to call Jennie as I start my car, and she answered it directly.

"Taehyung?" Her soothing voice says, ringing in my head. I miss her voice a lot, though we talked this morning...

"Yes, it's me Jennie.. I'm sorry but can you please head to the park right now? I have to tell you something..."

I miss you so much Jennie...

"Oh- Of course.. We'll meet right at this moment?" She asks, "Yes Jen.. see you there, take care hun.." I ended the call directly, worried I might lose track of my driving.

Meanwhile, my phone rang which made my brows furrow. Who could it be right now?

I took my phone and quickly answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"Oppa, can you come to the park?" It's Tzuyu... "I'm heading there actually.. But why?" She sighs, "Just... See you then." She hangs up, which left off-guard.

But I'm meeting up with Jennie...

Jennie's P.O.V.

He hang up immediately? What's wrong with him...

Aish.. Let's just get dressed...

I wore my oversized jeans, and a black fitted top, paired with a thick coat to make me feel warm.

Grabbing my scarf, I hastily put on my mask and hat, putting my phone on my pockets. "Nini, where are you going?" Lisa asks, brows raised.

"Taehyung wants to meet up on the park. Don't worry I'll be back in a while..." Fixing my scarf, I turned off my room's lights, shutting my door.

"Aigoo... Alright then, take care unnie." She smiles, fixing my hat. "I need to go now.. Bye."

I left the dorm, walking in a fast pace towards the park. He might be waiting for a long while, and I don't want him to wait long...

As I was slowly near to the park, I saw two figures from afar, making me curious and worried. What if someone might see us?

Let's not panic yet..

Jen, calm down..

As I arrived in the area, I walked around to find him.

Where is he?

I was about to text him when two familiar figures appeared not too afar, being cuddly with eachother. I kept shutting my eyes close, and opening it back again, only to see them still there. And from there, I knew what I was seeing was real and not imaginary...

Taehyung and Tzuyu?

I don't what I was about to do.. My head spiralled round and round, confused and troubled by the sight in front of my eyes.

'And what made me more caught up, is a familiar form running towards him. Tzuyu?! '

'Tzuyu is clinging unto him, inserting her arm unto his. I can see how they look so comfortable.'

'I was about to text him when two familiar figures appeared not too afar, being cuddly with eachother.'

Memories came back, especially at that night I fainted, he was with Tzuyu..

And they seem pretty close...

But theur closure doesn't seem like just being friends, It was something just more than that...

Or wish it isn't...

But is it?

Just a short chapter sorry, but hope you still like it! 💞💞


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