Staring is Rude, Stop!

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or you
Hey, I know it's been like two weeks. I'm in a musical and it's killing me, we might have to postpone it and I'm just dead. But it's my birthday today! I am sixteen going on seventeen. Now I'll be a dancing queen, young and sweet only seventeen. So yayyyyyy. So many panic attacks... I'll try to update more frequently. Sorry it's a bit shorter of a chapter. On with the story.
Kiba laughed, "Yep, here we all are the ten rookies. This is gonna be fun. At least for those of us good enough to make the cut. Right Sasuke?"
Sasuke smirked, "Kiba careful you don't get overconfident."
"Just wait we're going to blow you guys away. We've been training like crazy."
Naruto scoffed, his voice rising in anger.
"What do you think we've been doing? Sitting around picking daisies? You don't know what training means."
At Naruto's exclamation Hinata blushed and tried to diffuse the situation.
"Uh, don't mind Kiba, I'm sure he didn't really mean anything by it."
Y/n stepped in and acknowledged her.
"That's alright, Hinata. In any case we can save the fighting for later, if he's so keen."
There was a moment of confusion as Kiba stared at Y/n in sudden interest as Hinata nodded shyly.
"Wait what? You actually heard her?"
The h/c deadpanned at this, "She's quiet not mute."
"Hey you guys, you might wanna try keeping it down a little. I mean no offense but you're the ten rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves. Just cool it, this isn't a class field trip."
Y/n scowled at the man and traitor, she so wanted to reveal him...
"Dude, we are literally just talking, and catching up. You cool it."
"You've made quite the impression. You don't want to rub anyone the wrong way."

The young girl's tone turned snippy at this.
"Seems like you should take some of you're own advice."
Naruto joined in, in her defense.
"Yeah! Who asked you?! And who are you anyway?"
"Well, honestly how could you know how things work. You're just rookies."

"Yeah well we got a psychi- ow! What was that for?"
Y/n froze as Kabuto perked up, well that cat's out of the bag.
"Naruto, stop joking around. I prefer the term oracle, Kabuto Yakashi... Is that right?"
"I didn't tell you my name..."
"You would have, now you're going to say something about cards right?"
"That's a neat trick."
"No trick."
"You guys remind me of myself awhile back."

Y/n tuned out as they gabbed about something she already knew.
"Well seventh time's the charm that's what they say huh?"
"So I guess all those rumors about the exam being tough are true. Oh man I knew this was going to be a drag."
"Hang on don't give up hopes yet, Y/n did say I had cards, well I do. I could help you kids out a little with my ninja info cards. It's hard to explain but these cards have been chakra encoded with everything I've learned over the past four years. I've got more than 200 of them. So you see, I haven't been completely wasting my time. They may not look like much to the naked eye, in fact they appear blank. Don't want just anyone seeing this stuff."
He placed his left pointer finger in the center of the first card, making it spin with chakra.

'Is this Yugi-Oh?'
'Stop, just stop.'

A map appeared on the blank card.
Y/n rolled her eyes, this is even more boring in person.
Sasuke, stepped forward asking about info on other candidates.
"Well I can't promise my information is perfect, but I've got something on just about everyone. Including you guys of course."

Y/n smirked knowingly, "Even me?"
Kabuto swipes his hand across the deck after Sasuke informs him of the people he wants to know about.

"Other than the speculation that you could see the future which appears to be fact, not much. That's odd, what village were you originally from?"
"Why? I'm from the Leaf in any case now. I didn't grow up in a set place."
'Watch your next words carefully.'
"Interesting, there's no trace of you anywhere."

Fallen (A Naruto Reader Insert)(Female Version)Where stories live. Discover now