Oh This is Sad Isn't It

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or you, sorry I wasn't able to post over the weekend, its a long story of many inconveniences. Well, kissanime took the L, my friend went off to college, I got a bad ending on mystic messenger, I got a minor eye infection, and my favorite and most plot relevant npc in my Dungeons and Dragons campaign was accidently brutally murdered by another member of our party (he clotheslined him into a wall at 120 mph down a flight of stairs and snapped his neck, basically vehicular homicide without the vehicle) within the last minutes of our last session before our dungeon master (who is now mentally broken) is also going off to college and we are going on a brief to possibly 3 month hiatus depending on how and when he gets back to meet in person because he absolutely refuses to meet online. At this point I think I'm cursed and should probably start on looking back into protection spells, jars, and wards, but I digress. Also I watched the Lee vs Gaara fight with my sister and her boyfriend, cause he's watching Naruto right now, and my sister kept thinking that Lee was Gai's son, I mean she's not entirely wrong. Onto the story!


When the group finally made it back to the village, Y/n was relieved and then worried Sasuke and Lee would of course be healed just fine. But Sora was ten outta ten gonna chew her out for this. They had made it back to the Hokage's office where Naruto and Y/n ran into Konohamaru, literally. Well technically, it was only Naruto who made direct impact, Y/n following quickly behind.

The small boy was knocked to the ground and immediately shouted at the person who had ran into him."Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going?!!!"

"Why don't you watch where you're standing?!!"

Konohamaru looked up at this, rubbing the back of his head, but recognizing the voice. "Huh? Is that you Naruto?"

"What the- Konohamaru is that you?"

"Of course it is both of you haven't changed at all."

"Hey! Naruto's girlfriend! Long time no see!"

"Yeah! Wait- Huh?

"IM NOT HIS- Oh never mind. Anyways its nice to see you."

Naruto straightened up, looking around,"You see an old Lady around here with a nasty temper? Actually, she doesn't look that old, but she is."

"I've seen her alright-" Konohamaru huffed disapprovingly, Naruto's and his voice overlapped in their questions, "Who is she, anyways?""Where is she, anyways?"

Y/n rolled her eye's, 'We so don't have time for this.'

"Oh um well. Its a long story. WAIT I haven't got time to tell you now! I've gotta get her to the infirmary pronto!"


"The infirmary?"

"Yeah, she's supposed to be some hot shot medical ninja. Everyone's making such a big deal about her being Hokage. Has she forgotten what she came her for?"


'Oh dear.'

"Yeah she's the Fifth Hokage. Are you deaf? Big deal! All I care about is her doing what she promised to do."

Konohamaru's face grew somber and upset.

"Naruto perhaps that wasn't-"

"I don't believe you. You're lying Naruto!" Konahamaru ran out crying, "IT's NoT TRuEE!!!"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Are you dense? The third Hokage was his grandfather, he just died, Konohamaru's grieving. He must feel like they're just replacing him without a second thought. You and I understand why there needed to be another Hokage chosen, but he's just a little kid."

Fallen (A Naruto Reader Insert)(Female Version)Where stories live. Discover now