Into the Woods, Its Time We Go!

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Disclaimer I do not own Naruto or you
This week is finals week for me, this past Friday we had our last show, I stayed out till 2:00 am at my friends house with several other cast members (basically playing video games and listening to anime theme songs, I may or may not have played a Bnha fighting game and lost all but 3 rounds, as well as pinned my friend on the ground on his face by kneeling on his back and simotaniously pinning one arm under him while holding his other arm back, so he'd stop suffocating my other friend during a way too intense pillow fight), I had a job interview the Friday before last Friday (aced that! Got a job! Now I can afford more Naruto manga), and I had my SATs last last Saturday as well as singing the National Anthem the next day at the Graduation of my friends who were seniors where the governor of my state spoke and I got terribly sunburned. My life is so boring any other time and I'm currently third wheeling/chaperoning my twin sister and her boyfriend who respectively played Babette and Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (aka the play I was in as three characters). For the record, I was a Narrator, Fork, and a Silly Girl. So yeah, fawning over my sister's boyfriend was weird. I aced my Chem final and got a fairly average grade on my Math, so.... Yeah, it's only 10 percent of my grade for the term but still... Anyways, life has been way too much for this quiet little introvert. Into the story!
Y/n was panicking, 'He saw, he saw, he saw.'
"Well um, you see I'm psychic and my visions kinda just hit me?"
"I've heard the psychic bit. Your eyes, they were a rainbow."
"Um thanks?"
'Well I guess when Ryoko's fully conscious and I'm not my 'psychic eye' doesn't show up.'

Gaara stepped closer, his eyes narrowing, sand creeping out of his gourd.
"What are you?!"

The sand which was probably supposed to grab and squeeze the life out of her, stopped. It trailed around her wrists and ankles light as a feather, but it stopped.

Y/n slowly reached her hand out, Gaara was frozen as the sand didn't stop her, and even guided her. Her hand reached his face, barely brushing skin and she recoiled. Hesitating, bringing her hand to her chest. Pain and hurt flowed into her, his sadness, his restless nights.
'Is this part of the emotional connection Ryoko mentioned?'

"I-I'm sorry. I-I should go."
She turned heel and tried to walk the other way before his voice stopped her.
"No wait!"
Y/n stopped turning her head to slightly meet his gaze.
"Gaara, I am so sorry for everything you've been through. You didn't deserve it."
His demeanor grew uncharacteristically vulnerable.
"You-you what? You know?!"

Y/n nodded silently, Gaara's voice broke her thoughts of getting the fuck outta Dodge. "And you don't think I'm a monster?"
She turned her head back forward and started walking a short distance, Gaara trailing behind her.
"That'd make me one too."
"What do you-"
"Let's just say you and I both have secrets..."
"What? Do you me-"
Y/n stopped turning to face Gaara before embracing him.
"See you at the exams."
With that whisper she disappeared leaving Gaara stunned that someone had broken through his sand and confused the literal hell out of him all while Shukaku was uncharacteristically silent.
*Gaaras Mind*

'Mother, who was and what is that girl?'
'She's another Jinchuriki . Her tailed beast, it's ancient, but that can't.... Watch her, I want her blood.'
' Mother, what do you mean? Who is she?'
'Her power was dormant, but present in this world. I WANT HER BLOOD.'
'No one will have her, she'll be mine.'
Back to Y/n
'I think your presence calmed Shukaku, if only for a little while.'
'The combination of us, perhaps.'
'Why did he look at me like that?'
'Like you were something from a story book?'
'He must not have expected you to ignore such a major part of his being.'
'When were you sealed in me?'
'Where is this coming from?'
'I'd like to know. Was it before I came here? Or was it when I was very young?'
'Yes. You know very well I'm not from here.'
'What is it?'
'I'm very tired.'
'But you...'
' I'll rest now.'

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