Im Not Crying You're Crying

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or you

Hey, I've been gone for a spell. I kinda just felt like life hated me, or people around me. Started the last month off right by witnessing a car crash (fender bender, looked like bumber cars, semi-truck into tiny little car, really frickin loud) while trying to get onto my bus at 6 am and it only went downhill from there. Ive had so many panic attacks about my future, I've lost count, had a really bad fever the beginning of this week. The literal only good thing that happened is that I am finally not single!!! I have an actual whole ass girlfriend! 17 years and 8 months of never dating anyone and I finally am. Also can I just say, holy crap that's a lot of reads, like this started as a theres no more good Naruto reader inserts, after I read them all. Sorry this has taken so long, this fic is continuing as normal. Onto the story!

Y/n woke up in the hospital, well it wasnt exactly the hospital. She was lying in a bed, her wrist handcuffed to the railing by something that was blocking off her chakra.

She kept expecting Lord Hokage to walk in and be like Haha sike! But he was dead, and the village elders would no doubt assume she was apart of it.
'I tried to tell him, I didn't, there wasnt, what could I have done?'

Y/n called out to Ryoko, finding the seal had been once again strengthened. 'Okay... I- okay, um God? Zeus? Allah? Odin? Gaea? Hecate? Anyone? Please help me...'

Before her prayers to apparently no one who cared were answered, the proctor from the first exam, Ibiki walked in, pulling up a chair and sitting beside the frightened girl.

"We had a look at your head while you were out. You're playing a dangerous game girl, allowing a demon to control your body at wil-"
"She is not a demon!" Y/n protested, shrinking back as his gaze hardened on her.
"As I was saying, so we've sealed the dragon demon away into your head where she belongs. We know you tried to warn the Hokage. But the Elders insist we get more information out of you before another incident occurs."

Y/n froze completely, panicking as she tried to explain the severity of what she was being asked.
"I cant! Please you must understand! Not only will it change the course of the future, deviation from the intended path will result in the end of all thing as we know them. No matter how well Ryoko is sealed there are things I am physically incapable of telling."
"The elders understand that, which is why they have sent me. You know what I specialize in."
He stood up and walked to the door, pausing as Y/n spoke once more.
"It'll kill me, nothing will come of it. Ryoko will kill me the second I say what you want. Maybe that's for the best, I shouldn't be here. I'm jeopardizing everyone for the potential future, you've seen some of my visions, do you not understand?"

Ibiki stared at her for a while, silence hanging in the air, debating on whether or not she was telling the truth. And then he decided, "I pity you, Y/n L/n, you know too much for your own good."
And he left, leaving Y/n to the vice of her own thoughts. To the noose tightening around her throat, the silence once again killing her breath.

6 hours later, she was released from the 'hospital' without a second visit, only a warning. That she was to report what she could, at the first possible moment, or she would be killed for treason against the village, and they would be watching her, even more so than before.
Since the Hokage died people who knew about her visions had been treating her differently. No one would look at her at the funeral. Not even Kakashi-sensei, Naruto was angry with her, she could both feel it, and knew it after he cornered her outside her appartment and screamed at her. Asking why she let the old man die, everyone asked that. And when they didnt ask, they were whispering.
That girl knows the future, she probably saw the Hokage die, and she did nothing.
Little traitor, how can she still be alive and free?
She probably knows too much valuable information for them to kill her, probably threatened them too.
She doesnt belong here.

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