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Shawn's POV

I was on my office, reviewing some paperworks in my desk when my phone rang. I answered it because it's my sister.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Shawn, we rushed mom to the hospital" She said in a very nervous voice.

"What!? I'm on my way" I got panicked. I didn't know what to do.

I asked my assistant to cancel all my scheduled meetings and meet ups today. I need to see my mom. I drove my car as fast as I can and reached the hospital location.

I saw my sister in the hallway. She was also nervous as hell. Mom collapsed while she was having a conversation with my older sister.

"Mr. Mendes, your mother has a metabolic disease. As you can see, your mom's weight is not normal. She got it from obesity and it can affect her heart too if we can't treat her immidiately" The doctor said.

"What are the treatments can we do for my mother?" I asked.

"Well besides of medicinal treatments, the most effective way is liver transplant, but there are some disadvantages. If the operation failed it can worsen the patient's condition or worst can lead to death" The doctor said.

"What are the medicines will she take?"

"She has to take weight losing drugs, anti-diabetics, anti-hypertensive, anti-lipemic and anti-clothing drugs are the most usual medicines"

"I want your hospital's best surgeon to take charge of my mom's operation" I walked near to mom's bed.

"Our senior surgeon is not available. He's on a leave" The doctor replied. "But if you want Mr. Mendes, our best junior surgeon is available" He added.

"Junior?" I asked as I frowned.

"Yes sir. Don't worry, she had done many successful operations. She's a bar top-notcher. Our hospital's top junior general surgeon just had an successful operation today" He said.

"Mr. Mendes, i'll ask a nurse to give you her secretary's number" He said and left the room.

After an hour, a nurse came and gave me the number. I didn't hesitate at all. My mom's life is in danger. I dialed the number and ask her assistant. She told me that she'll schedule a meet up for me.

I was suddenly relieved. If she'll be able to save my mom then i'll hire her as my mother's personal physician. Make her earnings two times higher than her earnings while working in a hospital.


I was driving on my way to my clinic when I recieved a phone call. I answered it.

"Doc, the client your meeting up is already here" Elle said.

I got nervous. "Okay okay. I'll be there at ten minutes"

I drove my car faster, and thankfully I got there at exactly ten minutes. I took my bag and some folders. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor.

I am wearing a loose black and white striped longsleeve and paired it with blue pants.

"I'm so sorry, i'm late" I said as I entered my clinic and placed my things on my desk.

I froze the moment I saw Shawn sitting infront of my desk. My heart beated so fast. I got nervous. I tried to stay calmed and focus.

"How may I help you?" I asked him. Trying not to meet his eyes.

"So you're the surgeon, huh?" He asked. Scanning my physique.

"Yes, I am" I answered him looking at him with attitude.

"I need your help, perhaps your service
Y/N" He said.

We started talking about her mom's condition.

"Is it really necessary to do a liver transplant?" He asked.

"In some cases it is necessarily needed. Metabolic disease disrupts the body's ability to convert food to energy, one of the liver's major role" I said with professionalism.

"But we can do medical treatment right?" He asked.

"Yes we can, but we cannot guarantee her recovery. Your mom is obese right? So she also needs to lose weight. I prefer the natural remedy. Medicines are helpful but not all of them are effective. It can worsen a person's condition, that's why" I explained.

I told him to bring his mom here in the clinic, because I also wanted to talk to Mrs. Mendes about the operation and things she will need.

"Uhmm, Y/N. Thank you for your time and effort" He thanked me.

"No worries. Besides, this is my job" I smiled at him.

He offered a handshake and I responded.

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and share this FF. Lovelots!!!

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