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Justine and I will fly to his grandparents. I didn't know he bought me tickets as well. He just told me earlier this morning that everything was planned and set. And I was rushed to pack my stuffs.

Justine's dad drove us to the airport. We waited for three hours. Justine and I went to the money exchanger and exchanged our monies into German money.

I can tell through his face how excited he is on meeting his grandparents. He told me that he grew with them. He loved them so much that he'll spend his money and time just to be with them. Even I couldn't wait to meet them again. I've been to Germany once but that was way back in college, when Justine took me to meet them for the first time and introduce me to them as his girlfriend. And now as his fiancé and soon his wife.

I couldn't explain the feeling whenever the thought of me as Justine's wife. It always comes to my mind. Reminds me how blessed I am, to be his wife.

In the next two weeks, we'll start preparing for our wedding. We wanted it to be very simple, but our parents suggested that we should exert effort on this. This is just a once in a lifetime experience. But we told them that we'll make it elegant as possible. If I were to be asked, I don't my wedding to be very exaggerated.

We were already inside the plane, when someone stopped by at us. It was a woman with a short hair, wearing a jumpsuit. I think I already met her, but I just can't recall when and where. She really looks familiar. Maybe in our college days.

"Wait. Justine Flinn right?" He said pointing at Justine.

"Uhm...yeah. I'm sorry, do I know you?" Justine asked, he looks confused.

"How come did you forget me? Sashna Roberts. I played Juliet and you're my Romeo during our high school days. And I was the first girl you courted at College" The girl said.

I was shocked when I heard her. Does she even know how to control her mouth? She's very.....Aaarrgghh!

"Ohhh....yeah. I remember you" Justine answered.

"Who is she?" She was talking about me.

Duhh! Girl, I'm his fiancé and soon to be his wife.

"She's my fiancé. We just got engaged yesterday. She's Y/N,  head Junior Surgeon and will soon be my wife"

Again, I felt the romantic excitement. I looked at him and smiled.

"Hi" I greeted her.

"Hello. Congratulations"

"Thank you"

"Okay, see you" She smiled and left.

Justine looked at me. I knew what it means.
"No, I'm not" I said.

"But you already acted like you did"

"Okay fine"

"But why?" He let out a slight laugh

"Because you did courted her"

"That was in the past. You're my present and will be my future"

"Justine stop" I said smiling. "But atleast, she still became part of your past"

"I love you" He said and kissed me in the forehead.

He's so sweet. He always ends our converation with an I love you. And that's the time where I always stop. He knows how to tame me.

The eight-hour flight, made me exhausted. All I did is to sleep, eat and listen to music. Justine on the other hand, slept for two straight hours.

His grandparents were waiting at the arrival area.

They were so happy to see us. Justine's grandmother hugged me. They became my family too. His grandparents treated me like their own grandchild.

Justine drove their car to their house. Mr. Philip, Justine's grandfather, can still drive. He's so strong and healthy.

There was a spare room for us. We saved alot of money, to be honest. I felt very comfortable on their side.

We went to our room and unpacked our stuffs. We put our bags, inside the cabinet and our luggage on yhe saide of the cabinet.

Our room has a terrace. The view was so nice. Fresh air, cold weather, cozy bed and a lovely fiancé. What more could I ask for? I already have everything in our vaccation. It's all I wanted for us.

"I'll just go out. You can rest. If you need me just call my name" Justine said, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah sure" I answered.

He then left the room and went outside. I took my phone and opened it. And saw a missed call from Shawn.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and share this with your friends. Lovelots!!!

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