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"I'll marry you not because I wanted to be called yours, but beacuse I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life"

I am inside the room still on cloud nine. My mom with my stepsister came in. Mom was rushing to hug me.

"Oh my Y/N" She hugged me so tight.

"Mom" I hugged her back.

"You look so beautiful. And your gown, it's so nice" She said.

I looked at the direction of where my gown is standing. I wanted to cry. It was so beautiful in any view. It's not the most expensive, but it captured my heart.

After my mom, dad came in. Holding a small boquet of flowers.

"Hey dad" I stood up and hugged him.

"I miss my daughter" He said.

I took the flowers and began to have a conversation with him.

"You'll always be my baby girl" He said and kissed me in the forehead.

After an hour my hair and make-up is finished and I will have some shots with my bridesmaids.

After that I had my make-up retouched and wore my gown. I arrived at the church with the big doors closed. My heart was pounding so fast. I am very excited to see everyone, especially Justine.

The door opened and suddenly a tear fell from my eye and felt the joy. I saw our friends, family, co-workers and everyone. They're all present.

I walked on the aisle and met my parents. They look so good together, if only they can stay like that forever. We reached the center and I held the hand of Justine and he smiled at me.

"I, Justine Flinn take you Y/N to be my wife forever. I will always cherish every moment we have. I will always be with you. May God bless our marriage. I love you"

"I, Y/N take you Justine to be my husband forever. I will always be the girlfriend you loved, the bestfriend you always go out with and now your wife that will devote herself. You will always be my boyfriend no matter what. I love you so much"

We have said our vows and now for the part that all waits for.

"Alright then. Husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" The priest announced.

Justine took my veil off of my face, lifted my chin and kissed me.

Everyone cheered for us and we kissed again.

We went all went to the reception after the wedding and there we enjoyed the night.

"May we call on the the newly wed for their dance"

The guests clapped their hands. Justin and I stood up he assisted me.

We started dancing with the beat of the song. Marry your daughter.

Sir, i'm a bit nervous 'bout being here today. Still not real sure what i'm going to say. So bare with me please if I take up too much of your time...

"I love you so much" He whispered in my ear.

"I will love you forever" I kissed him.

After dancing we had a picture taking with our family and friends. We had so much fun and very satisfied.

This day will definitely be cherished and remembered. It was one of our best days. First the day we met, the day we became in a relationship, the day we got engaged and now our wedding day.

"My daughter means a lot to me. Give her the best she deserves. I love her so much" my dad said tapping Justine's back.

"I will. Dad" He answered.

I smiled to both of them and hugged them.

"Justine, Y/N's my greatest treasure. Take care of her. We will always be here to support and guide you two" Mom said holding my hand.

Justine nodded and hugged my mother. His parent's were also there. His grandparents were too.

"I wore the jewelry you gave me. I promised you to wear it, on my wedding day. Here it is, grandma" I said. Showing it to her.

"Oh dear. It looks perfect on you" She answered.

"I think, it's time for us to go ahead" Justine said, holding my hand.

"Mom, dad... We'll go ahead. I love you both. So much. Thank you for being here with me" I said and gave them flying kisses.

Justine and I entered the car and we drove back to our home, were we'll spend our first night.

Thank you for reading. Lovelots!!!

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