That's not Mommy

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When I came in the house it was dark but I heard loud opera. I know it sounds weird but that's what I heard. I walked in the living room seeing the twins in a huddle holding each other.

"Hi babies. What's wrong?" I walked over to them and crouched down. They look absolutely terrified.

"We wanna stay with you" Kamille said clutching my arm and Kleo clutching my leg.

"Well I live here girls. Of course you'll stay with me." I chuckled and they still were holding on to me.

"We're scared mammy" Kleo said. She never says her feelings so something must be wrong.

"Scared of who?"

"Girls..." I heard Kayoir say and the twins gripped my leg tighter. She walked into the living room and she looked out of it. Her eyes were dark and she was speaking in a blank monotone. As if she wasn't even human.

"'re home. Hi Rue." She said blankly then forced a smile. I looked down and the twins were just staring at her in utter fear.

"Hey ma." I walked up to her and gave her a kiss. She just sat there. Not kissing me back but she wasn't pushing me away.

"Come on girls. It's wash day." She looked at the twins blankly once again and walked away.

"Thats strange. Usually she's energetic or something." I said looking at the twins and they still were clinging to me for dear life.

"Mammy.....can we leave and go to Grammy's house? I don't wanna be here." Kamille asked and Kleo nodded in agreement.

"Grammy is gone again. She has another business trip."

"Well....we can go to God Mommies house. They always want us over." Kleo said trying to reason. Kamille's breathing slowly started to get louder.

"Or Chelsea house." Kamille finally said.

"Or KeyKey and JayJay house" Kleo replied.

"Girls why don't you guys wanna stay here with mommy?" I asked and their eyes got big.

"Thats not mommy." Kleo whispered then we heard a loud noise. Kay'oir then came out with a basket of hair products.

"Sorry.....I fell...come on Kleo you're first." She said monotonous and slowly reached her hand out. Kleo looked at me and slowly went to Kay'oir. As they were walking , i saw bruises. Like big purple and blue bruises. I looked at Kamille and she was scared to death. She refused to let me go.

"Mammy...please get my sissy so we can leave. I wanna leave now." Kamille cried out burying her head in my chest. I decided to call Moe and Zyanya cause I knew they would say they were welcome at this time of night.

I was watching Kay'oir the whole time. And I was watching Kleo. Kleo held her little ground but I could tell she was terrified.

Kay'oir would dose out then wake back up. Her eyes turned completely back and tried reaching for the knife. I ran over to her and twisted the knife out her hand accidentally cutting her in the process. She didn't even blink.

"Oh.....I thought that was the shampoo." She said pointing at the shampoo bottle that was strangely directly next to the knife she picked up.

"You seem tired. Get some rest. We'll be back in the morning." I said nervously trying to move out of the kitchen. She stood in front of the door eyeing the three of us.

"And where do you think you three are going?" She said looking at the twins.

"We going to Moe and Zyanyas. We'll be back..." I said hesitantly and she slowly moved from the door. I put the twins in the car watching Kay'oir stare at us through the window.


yes I know.....I've been gone I'm sorry. Cause my phone broke so I been using my kindle from 6 Christmases ago so bare with me please.

But I been mostly thinking of new idea, tryna finish these last few weeks of school and been otp with my lovely girlfriend

anyway....what y'all think gon happen next?

who y'all think gon die and survive???

Okay enjoy y'all day byeeeeeeeee

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