Today is fairly quiet. Nobodies talking or yelling or anything. I go through all my classes, my friends not showing up at all and even my girlfriend just causally being boring. She would remember but she hasn't. I'm not going to be a nuisance and bring it up but I wish at least she would've remembered.

I walk down to my dorm after spending two hours in the library and finding it to be really dark. It's bright outside, meaning my windows have to be blocked. Am I going to die and nobody wants anyone to see. Maybe my friends all died too and that's why none of them showed up. I flicked on the light waiting carefully for my demise when-

"HAPPY BURR DAY" 16 different people scream. I panic before chuckling at the pun and decorations everyone is so happy and there's even a disco ball.

"Hey guys calm down, we wouldn't want to Panic At The Disco" I yell, making everyone become silent before Peggy, John, Thomas, Laf, Eliza and Angie erupt with laughter. Us being the only ones to
A. Get the joke and
B. Listen to the band(more like the one-man band)

I look around at all the smiley faces and decorations to see how much thought they put into this. Wow, I love my friends.

After they all sing Happy Birthday I notice Herc and Laf being distant. They aren't near each other, aren't talking and look pretty down. I decide to put matters into my hands and figure it out.

"Hey, what's up with you and Herc?" I ask Laf who groans as a response and telling me this long ass story about why they broke up. Don't get me wrong I'm interested but still. It took me a while to realize someone who I've never seen before is here. I decide to approach the said person.

"Hello there, may I ask who you are," I ask in the most polite way possible. The guy was hanging out with Phillip, Frances, T.J, and Eacker(Characters I totally didn't forget about) but I've seemed to pull him away.

"I'm Georges, Thomas and Laf's brother I transferred here today actually, you must be Burr," he says quickly, not Alex quickly but quickly. I nod and we have a good conversation before we were interrupted by John.

"LET'S ALL MAKE A CIRCLE FOR THE GIFT EXCHANGE AND A GAME OF WOULD YOU RATHER!" he yells probably disturbing my neighbors before I realize he's my neighbor.

We all sit in a big circle before I open my gifts.

Alexander: a bisexual flag
John: a gift card
Hercules: a hand sewn blanket
Lafayette: a French flag
Eliza: chocolate, teddy bear, couples bracelet
Peggy: a P!ATD hoodie
Angie: a Stranger Things poster
Thomas: a Southern-Motherfucking Democratic-Republican shirt
James: a Miranda poster
Maria: a library unlimited book checkout amount card
Phillip: a bunch of books
Theo: Heathers DVD
T.J.: a Heathers poster 
Georges: a bag of jelly beans
Eacker: a "talk less, smile more" poster
Frances: a gift card at the same place John gave me

I thanked everyone, including Theo since we're on good terms now, and we got ready for a game of wyr.

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