John's POV
I look at the list of names and see if everyone is here.

Angelica Check
Eliza Check
Peggy Check
John Duh
Alex Check
Herc Check
Laf Check
Maria Check
Burr Check
T.J. Check
Phillip Check
Eacker Check
Frances Check
Georges Check
Thomas Check
James Check

"Counting myself, there are 16 people present, Theo is out sick so she decided not to come" I announce, everyone looks tired since its 7 but I want to be on the road by 8 so procedures are procedures.

"Since there are four cars, four people will be in each of them, I've already separated people into cars, choosing drivers and what-not" I continue seeing the dirty looks T.J. is giving Georges so I move some people around.

"First car, Laf, Herc, Alex and myself, Herc is driving," I say, waiting for anyone to object.

I see everyone nod in agreeance while Laf looks upset.

"Why can't I drive?" Laf whines.

"Because you'll just scream at everyone and you get highly distracted" Herc inputs.

"It's like you drink and drive every time you drive" Burr adds.

I see Laf's face sadden before Herc gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Second car, Angelica, Eliza, Maria and Peggy, Angie is driving" I continue minding my business.

No one objects so I decided to move on.

"Third car, Thomas, James, Burr and Georges, Burr is driving" I see Frances sigh out of relief and T.J.'s face lighten.

"Fourth car, Phillip, Frances, T.J., and Eacker, Phillip is driving" I finish yawning.

We all scurry to get in the respectful cars and I check the time, we're early by 25 minutes. We stop at McDonald's and Starbucks before actually driving making us only 10 minutes early.

Maria's POV(haven't had her)
I strumming out on my guitar while holding Peggy's hand as Angie shoots me a dishonorable look. I shrugged her off because she always treats me like this so I'm used to it.

I don't think she has a grudge against me just her being protective, not like I and Peggy have never fucked.

Eliza starts snacking on some Fritos while Peggy slowly falls asleep on my shoulder. I like being in a relationship its fun.

I'm awaiting the moment for when we get to the first pit stop when I see myself slowly fall asleep, still hearing muttering in the background.

Eliza's POV
"What's up with you?" I ask Angelica.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She responds, she's a bad liar so all of her "statements" sound like questions.

"What's up with you and Maria" I shoot back at her.

"I just don't want Peggy getting hurt I saw her holding hands with some guy on the football team." She responds back I'm shocked for a minute but then I realize she doesn't know James.

"Whahisas him name," I ask unphased.

"James but not Madison" she quickly responds not taking her eyes off the road. She's a great driver.

"That's her brother, James, stooopiddd" I tease, her face turns pink of embarrassment and I chuckle almost waking everyone up.

A/N LOOK another short ass chapter. Once they all approach Disney World then it's going to be longer, the next four chapters are going to be for each car and then the next two are going to be when they reach Disney World. I just have one question.

How long should this book be? It's already over 20 and I could easily wrap it up right now but I wanna know, what should I stop it?

Word Count  A/N: 600

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