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Anthony outstretched his legs. Due to be seated for so long, he grew cramped and began to feel clustered. Fatigue was aching at his heels, but the two cups of coffee he consumed prevented him of falling asleep.

Checking his watch he noticed he had been in that same spot for an hour. He couldn't bring himself to complain.

Glancing to the right, he fixed his eyes on the usual nurse wheeling Lamont over to him. Lamont's face was screwed up in a scowl as his jaws clench. Anthony began to grow accustomed to that face, its all he ever saw lately.

Standing up, he met the nurse halfway. "How was it?" Anthony asked as he took the woman's place in pushing Lamont's wheelchair.

"It's still getting there. We were able to have him practice sitting up on his own. A few more sessions and he should be able to get out of bed and into the chair on his own," The nurse explained. "As for now, just keep helping him and do little practice runs every so often so he doesn't just have to depend on solely the therapy,"

Anthony nodded his head. "Alright thank you, we appreciate it," He said his goodbyes to the nurse before he began wheeling Lamont out of the rehab therapy center.

Lamont remained silent as Anthony checked his comfort every so often. For the past month he had become cold and Anthony couldn't even blame him. Although he was very much alive, Lamont felt like he was better off dead. Life had been nothing but hard since he had to face his reality of being paralyzed. He was bound to a wheelchair for god knows how long. Lamont felt like a waste of life and a complete waste of space.

Everything he wanted to do had to be done by someone else, or someone had to assist him with it. He couldn't bathe on his own, he couldn't dress himself anymore, he could barely get out of bed on his own. All the little things he took for granted when he could be able to do them where all the things he prayed he would be able to do in the next few years— if his condition was just temporary.

"Jhen just picked your mama up from the airport, she's excited to see you," Anthony smiled lightly. He had been trying his best to cheer his best friend up since day one. Many people would have given up, but Anthony just couldn't find it in him to do so.

Lamont cleared his throat. Due to him not speaking as much as he use to his voice cracked a bit as he responded. "I don't want to see her," His words were blunt and harsh.

Anthony looked down at Lamont. Their eyes never met since Lamont kept his planted straight forward while Anthony continued to wheel him about. "Mont, she really wants to see you," Anthony continued to pry.

Lamont said nothing in response. Anthony decided not to start up another conversation. He remained silent all the way to the car.

At the car, Anthony unlocked it and opened up the passenger door. Lamont stared at the passenger seat longing to be able to get up and get himself in the seat on his own, he just couldn't. Glancing down at his legs that seemed to grow a tad bit more slender, Lamont shook his head. "You ready?" Anthony asked Lamont.

He asked him that question before he helped him with anything. He didn't want to alarm Lamont with sudden efforts of help.

Slowly and reluctantly, Lamont nodded. Lamont lifted his arms a bit, it made him feel like a complete child. Anthony hooked his arms underneath Lamont's arms and used his strength to pick him up from the wheelchair. Lamont felt like a complete rag doll by the way his legs dangled. "Watch your head," Anthony instructed as he placed Lamont in the passenger seat. "This okay for you?" He asked.

Again, he nodded his head slowly. Anthony adjusted Lamont's limp legs once more before attempting to pull the seatbelt across Lamont's body.

"I can do that," Lamont gritted out as he took the seatbelt out of Anthony's hold.

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