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The Present,

Dieon drifted her attention from the flooding emails on her phone to Gianna. She decided on still keeping with her responsibility of being a mother to Gianna even when she and Carson were at odds.

"Jesus Dieon, how much attention do you pay that phone?" Jhenea asked. When Dieon asked her to come out with the kids, she thought it was a mistake. Dieon usually never had the time or the patience to do personal things as such. She usually stayed home when breaks like this came around. Right now, she couldn't even stomach the thought of staying home the entire day. Everything in her home reminded her of Carson and it annoyed the living hell out of her. After their dispute, Carson called to break things off. He granted her permission to continue to be a mother to Gianna, but their family unit had now split.

As of lately, the two had been coparenting pretty well. The most awkward run in they had to endure was when Gianna's school had a parent breakfast and absentmindedly, Dieon cleared her agenda and showed up. Carson was also there, but for the sake of their daughter, they remained cordial and sat through the entire breakfast. Gianna's teacher was still under the impression of them being together, so she asked to take a picture of Carson, Dieon, and Gianna all together. There was an awkwardness, when Carson put his hand on the small of Dieon's back, but the photo turned out beautiful nonetheless.

"Honey, do you know how much money this phone makes me?" Dieon eyed Jhenea as if she were crazy.

Jhenea scoffed. "Honey, do you know how devastated you would be if someone God forbid, snatched Gianna up while you was on that thing?" Snatching the phone away from Dieon, Jhenea placed it into her purse.

Dieon let out a stressed out breath. She knew she should have never called Jhenea up. She was just so—Jhenea! "She's pregnant and not in her right mind Dieon, let it go," Dieon coached herself.

Jhenea chuckled beside her. As mean as Dieon was, she was great company. Jhenea like her bluntness and her non filtered mouth, it was also cute seeing her censor herself to be a mother to Gianna. "I'm in my right mind Dee, I'm just always on mommy mode,"

Dieon scoffed. "Of course you are, you got like what—ten kids?" She laughed at her own dramatics.

Jhenea rolled her eyes playfully with a light laugh. "Four kids," Jhenea corrected. "And I'm willing to have some more if it's in God's favor,"

"Girl slow the hell down, you're pregnant now," Dieon waved her off.

Jhenea looked down at her stomach and felt a light kick causing a smile to gravitate on her face. "I like being pregnant. Everyone's so nice to you, you glow, you get a pass to over eat, and not to mention you don't get that monthly visit form Mother Nature," She spoke highly of pregnancy.

Dieon who was hardheaded and stubborn wasn't buying a thing Jhenea was saying. Every other woman she has spoke to, associated pregnancy with horrible morning sickness, swollen feet, tender breast, and a horrible labor and delivery story. "You have fun with your starting line up,"Dieon said causing Jhenea to laugh.

"You don't want to have kids—y'know of your own?" Jhenea asked.

Dieon shrugged her shoulders. "Gianna is pretty cool, bad as hell, but she's cool, I don't think I'll need anymore," That, and because Dieon simply couldn't have anymore. Her endometriosis was intense and painful. Any pregnancy that were to come, would be extremely painful and unsuccessful.

Jhenea completely understood. Although Gianna wasn't biologically Dieon's daughter, Dieon was her mother. Jhenea had that same relationship with Payton and she was sure if she couldn't successfully conceive and have kids with her PCOS, being a step mom to Payton would suffice. "You're great with her, she loves you," Jhenea smiled.

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