7.the portrait

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Sicheng was just staring at that portrait. He couldn't take his look away. All the colors slowly flowing down on his body, he could feel the warmth and coldness of the colors, he could feel the different textures in it.

Those beautiful diamond eyes, they were staring at the boy not letting him to take his eyes away.

"Who is that?"

Yuta could see that Sicheng was staring at the portrait the whole time. Just as he expected from it. Like everyone who saw that portrait, Sicheng was stuck in it.

He looked at the portrait too. seeing that beautiful delicacy, Yuta smiled.

"Taeyong...Jaehyun's boyfriend"

Sicheng's eyes widened with surprise, he looked at Yuta.


Yuta nodded. "Yeah, Jaehyun drew this. The first time that they met, Jaehyun asked Taeyong to become his model for this portrait. This painting's the start of their relationship"

Sicheng got up from the sofa, standing in front of the portrait to look at it more accurate. Looking at how beautiful Taeyong is made the boy to smile softly.

"He's pretty"

Yuta nodded with agreement immediately. Looking at Taeyong's eyes in the painting.

"You should've seen him in person, he was so beautiful, it was almost unreal for me"

Sicheng looked at Yuta. "Did you see him in person?"

"Yeah, i saw both of them. back then when i was six. When we lived in Japan. My parents were always so obsessed with art, one of their habit is visiting different art exhibitions of different cultures and countries. In those times Jaehyun's name as an artist was getting so popular, my parents were always admiring his artworks. Then one day we heard that he came in Japan and he's setting up an exhibition in Tokyo. Soon we went from Osaka to Tokyo for visiting his exhibition"

Yuta smiled remembering all those sweet memories.

"When i stepped inside the exhibition, it was almost like magic. I can't even explain what was it like. It felt like all the colors were painting you, as if you're becoming like them. They could sink you so easily. But more than anything, this portrait catched my eyes. The main artwork of the whole exhibition named Taeyong"


"Mom~~~when will we get there?!"

"Stop nagging Yuta, we're almost there honey"

The little boy sighed, looking outside through the car's window. It was almost an hour that his mother was saying this. Yuta was tired, he hated the long drives. Especially when they're heading to a place that the boy hates it a lot.

Yuta hated the art exhibitions. He was too young for understanding them.

All those fascinating artworks were just some weird color spots or zig zag lines for the six years old boy. It was so boring for him but he didn't have any other choices.

After half an hour, they were finally there.

Yuta was walking between his mother and father, holding their hands.

"Don't get away from us Yuta. we're not in Osaka you'll get lost so easily in here, alright son?"

Yuta looked at his father, nodding his head with fret.

"Alright dad"

The little boy sighed; another boring day in a stupid art exhibition.

Yuta was just looking down not really caring about where his parents are leading him to. He didn't really care. But without even realizing now the boy was in the middle of the exhibiton, holding his mother's hand.

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