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Sicheng was done with his homeworks, they were really exhausting. Though his eyes were so tired still he was sitting on his bed reading Jaehyun's diaries as always. He was so fascinated.

Sinking between those words, they were real. They were true emotions and they really happend before. That was why he couldn't give up on reading it.

But suddenly the knocking sound on his bedroom's door snapped him out of those words.

He raised his head. "Yes?"

The door slightly opened, seeing the figure of his father made him smile.

"Are you done with your homeworks Sichengie?"

"Yes dad"

"Oh good-"

Suddenly his eyes were locked on the old brown notebook which was in Sicheng's hands. The man frowned; he never saw that notebook before.

"What are you reading dear?"

Sicheng's eyes widened, he had no proper answer or excuse for that question. Suddenly he closed the notebook making his father more shocked.

"Uhhh...nothing necessary; i-it's some school project like a...research! Yeah!"

His father raised an eyebrow, giving Sicheng a look which meant that he didn't fully believe what his son just said.

Damn i really suck in lying

The boy got up from his bed, walking towards his book shelf.

"I just finished it"

He looked at Sicheng as the boy was placing the notebook besides the other books. Placing it besides that blue book. The man sighed, it was almost a week that the book was in there, Sicheng could never separate from it yet it was a whole week that the boy wasn't even looking at it.

This was like a sad feeling breaking down in his chest. It was so scary for the man, a fear that no one could understand.

"Anyway, i'm unboxing some of our packs that we didn't open since the day we moved here. Would you help me with them?"

Sicheng smiled. "Of course!"


"Sicheng! Look at this!"

Sicheng let go of the box which he was taking some old books out of it. He looked at his father who sounded really excited.

He was smiling widely holding a photo.

"What is it?"

The man gave the photo to his son, smiling happily.

"Look how cute you were omg!"

Sicheng's eyes widened, it was one of his childhood photos.

A little boy with a little round face and really short hair wearing a red colored traditional outfit. A beautiful smile on his pink tiny lips, stars shining in his eyes as his cheeks were slightly peach blushed while he was resting his chin on his little hands. Looking like a baby fairy with his pointy ear. You could tell that he didn't change, not at all.

It was enough for Sicheng to groan loudly as how much he was cringing.

"Omg dad! Why did you keep this?!"

The man rolled his eyes, grabbing the photo.

"Why not?! These are my treasure silly"

Sicheng chuckled. "What a treasure..."

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