26.the doll

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Firey ashes flying up as each time the sound of the burning wood was caressing Yuta's ears.

It felt so good to sit infront of the fire place in the middle of such a cold snowy winter for sure.

But not for Yuta.

Poor boy was snuggling to his own embrace helplessy as he was hugging his knees, sitting all alone by himself. Yuta wasn't saying a single word, cause his mind was trapped in too many voices.

He clenched his teeth, a tear rolled down on his cheek as he wiped it harshly.

On that moment, only one thing could keep him away from shouting aggressively. The colors which caressed his eyes gently.

The portrait of Taeyong which was hanged on the wall in front of him.

Yuta couldn't help but admire the amount of the beauty which was involved with pain in that portrait. For sure other than those wonderful colors...Taeyong was worth to worship for Yuta.

He wasn't that reckless dreamer looking like a hero who everyone loves.

Taeyong was just Taeyong. A simple young boy who just wanted peace and happiness. He didn't fly up to the sky to become a star. Taeyong was just sitting on the ground enjoying looking at them. That was why he was a milion times more beautiful and glorious than a whole starry night.

He was the wing for the people who wished to fly.

And more than anything, no one could love Jaehyun the way Taeyong did.

A painting who loves his painter man the way that no color can describe it.

But what about Yuta? Why can nothing go well for the poor boy? What's so wrong in his relationship?

After their little trip when they cameback to Chenle's house...after that night; Sicheng was completely disappeared. He didn't answer his phone, he didn't come to school anymore. He was completely vanished.

Another tear rolled down.

If Yuta wanted to find him he could do it for sure. But now something was stopping him.

Thinking if Sicheng really likes him or not.

Who tries this hard to runaway from someone several times like how Sicheng did this whole time? Maybe Yuta was really annoying to him.

He letted Yuta to confess his feelings, he letted Yuta to kiss him, letting him to touch him, to act like an actual couple, to love and support the younger.

But did Sicheng enjoy them too?

He never expressed any feeling towards Yuta, not a single sign so he can notice that Sicheng feels the same.

Sicheng was a little lifeless doll who didn't have any clue about feelings.

Yuta was observing Taeyong and Jaehyun's relationship. Atleast both were sure about how they loved eahother.

But Yuta felt like he's nothing for Sicheng. Not even a friend.

What keeps Sicheng to avoid loving Yuta? Is it impossible? Or maybe Sicheng has a problem.

Actually Sicheng can't even talk normally at a general look. But why?

Yuta scoffed, rubbing his eyes roughly with his sleeves.

"Stop giving yourself useless hopes idiot"

Maybe loving Yuta was just something impossible for Sicheng. Maybe he's too annoying.

Yuta got up from the sofa, standing in front of Taeyong's portrait. Smiling faintly as he raised up his hand. Caressing the colors and motfits on the painting gently with his fingers.

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