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"Ma'am? Are you alright?"

That deep male voice made her gasp, her whole body started shaking as she turned back. Thinking that those same men are after her again.

But the peron behind her was nothing like them.

Snow flakes shining on his black hair, slowly sitting on his wide shoulders. A tall man with silky black hair wearing a classic black overcoat and a grey turtleneck sweater, it was showing his wide chest and thin waist beautifully.

His pale skin was flawless, plump lips making him look sweet and lovely. With a perfect strong jawline. He was really handsome.

But more than anything; his huge eyes were stunning.

Filled with kindness and serenity. They were shining like a night sky. A worried frown on his thick straight eyebrows as he was observing Mijin.

Still his gaze was scary for the poor woman.

He couldn't help but stare at Mijin with shock. A broken fragile being sitting on the snowy ground, her whole body was shaking insanely, he was looking at Mijin's hair which was a bit white, her pale skin looking like a corpse, red eyes filled with tears and terror, blood showing around her mouth, her messed up clothes and her injured naked feet.

He was wondering what in the world can make someone look like this?

The man took a step which made Mijin to get up, snow brushing against the scars on her feet made her to groan out of pain.

"Let me help y-"

"P-please! Don't c-come any closer!"

Her teary eyes were begging, she couldn't resist anymore. Mijin was too broken and tired to fight.

A soft smile showed on the man's lips, making his eyes shining more.

"Don't worry, i won't harm you"

His voice was smooth and soothing. As each step he was taking towards Mijin, his gaze was giving comfort to her.

Both were sitting on a bench, looking at the lights shining in Seoul.

The man took out a napkin from his coat. Giving it to Mijin.

"Here ma'am"

Mijin smiled faintly. "Thank you..."

Mijin was wiping her tears and the blood around her mouth with it. Looking down tiredly. As the man was observing her.

He frowned a bit. "Perhaps...are you Jung Mijin?"

Mijin's eyes widened. Looking at him.


He smiled with excitement. "Oh god! I'm so honored to see you in person! I'm a huge fan of your artworks! They're stunning!"

Mijin smiled bitterly, chuckling with frutration as she remembered something.

The first day that she met Minjae.

She was at the university, painting on a canvas for her project. All alone in the class as suddenly Minjae walked in. He was looking for his friend.

Wow! Did you draw this by yourself?!


It's amazing! You must have a lot of fans!

What? No!...i'm still a student not an artist. I don't have any fans

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