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"So, Mr.Dong Wanglei..."

The man raised up his head, looking in front of him as that old man was sitting behind his desk while holding some papers.

They were Wanglei's manuscripts. A general abstract of his new story which he hoped that it'll turn into a famous book someday. But the way that old man was shaking them and looking at them with reluctance was making the young writer a bit worried.

He glanced at Wanglei with that same creepy look on his sullen face.

"So you think that this story would be successful for you?"

Wanglei was playing with his fingers nervously

"Yes sir"

The old man fixed his glasses on his eyes, looking at the papers again.

"It's too reckless, the issue is exaggerated and it does some offensive aspect towards the society. The plot is too violence and dark, this can't be in real life. How can we call this realist?"

"I-it is realist sir. All of these things are already in most of the societies"

He sneered. "I can't believe you Dong. These abuses and contempt. We don't have these amout of things young man. Plus, do you really think that i can accept the homosexuality in this story of yours?"

All of these words from a person who's life is summarized behind that wooden desk and living in a palace-like house. Wanglei was trying so hard to avoid laughing, of course those blind eyes of that silver spoon old man can't see around.

"I apologize sir, but what's the problem with the homosexuality?"

"It's unacceptable! We would never publish something like this unless the editors would change it"

Wanglei clenched his teeth. "I would never change the plot"

He raised an eyebrow, throwing the papers on the desk in front of the writer man.

"Alright then; here you go"

Wanglei scoffed, all he wanted on that moment was giving a hard punch to that old man. What a shame that he couldn't. The writer man got up from his chair, collecting all of his papers. Leaving that room as fast as he could.


The doorbell sound was filling the whole house as a young lady opened the door, seeing the face of his husband made her smile brightly.

"Welcome home dear"

Then again that soothing beautiful voice, all that Wanglei needed. But the man was too tired to even look at her beautiful face, to admire her loveliness with a kiss.

He sighed. "Hi, Yue"

Wanglei stepped inside as Yue could see his tired face. Looks like things didn't went that well.

Both sat on the sofa as Wanglei threw all of his papers on the floor. Yue sighed, rubbing the man's back.

"They didn't like it?"

Silent was all of the answer that she got. Yue smiled bitterly, pulling that tired man into her own embrace. Wanglei's figure was too big for Yue's frail arms, but on that moment the writer man was the fragile one.

Filling his lungs with the sweet scent of Yue's perfume lovingly. As Yue kissed Wanglei's hair softly.

"It's alright dear; i'm sure that you can publish it by another publisher"

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