28.another place

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Sicheng was all alone in the house. It was close to midnight.

Even though it was late in the night his father said they'll really go tonight. It was weird for Sicheng cause they didn't even pack half of their things. Just their necessary stuffs.

And his father didn't even talk about topics such as buying tickets or finding a place to stay or their passport's issues.

Sicheng didn't really know what his father was doing and this was making the boy worried.

He was just sitting in the corner besides his backpack, waiting for his father to come.

Few minutes later Sicheng could hear the doorbell sound. The boy got up hardly, being careful so he won't put any weight on his injured leg. He leaned towards the wall as he was limping. Trying to reach the door.

Sicheng putted his hand on the door hanger, slowly opening the door. He was looking down cause it was probably his father.

But as the boy got his head up slightly, his eyes widened.


Those big shiny eyes, that soothing voice making the little boy's heart to pound a thousand times faster.

He was Yuta.

He was really there standing in front of Sicheng and the boy was completely speechless.

Sicheng was so nervous, he didn't know what to do. All he could was just shutting the door on Yuta. But as he was about to close the door, Yuta stopped him. Putting his arm on the door quickly, as he pushed the door Sicheng wasn't able to handle it.

The boy stepped back, standing on his left foot made him to groan out of pain.

He leaned towards the wall still whining from pain and now Yuta was in the house.

"H-how the hell did you find here...?"

"Renjun told me"

Yuta was looking at Sicheng, every inch of his body was injured...so Renjun was really right. Yuta couldn't take his eyes away, his gaze was stuck and each time seeing those bruises and wounds was squeezing his throat.

Sicheng's face, it was so sad.

Those beautiful eyes...they were bloodshot now, they weren't shining anymore. His lips were ripped off, his frail delicate hands were now filled with scars and they were shaking. His skin was pale, only terror and sorrow could be felt while looking at him. This scene was torturing Yuta.

His one and only, the precious person who Yuta loves with his whole being...he was completely ruined and hurted but Yuta couldn't do anything.

He looked down at Sicheng's left foot which was bandaged, the boy could barely stand on it.

Yuta clenched his teeth. "What did that bastard have done to you?"

Sicheng ignored Yuta's question, he placed his hand on Yuta's arm as he was pushing him towards the door.

"Just go"

Yuta yanked his arm, looking into Sicheng's eyes.

"No! I won't listen to you this time"

Sicheng clenched his teeth. "The hell is wrong with you?! Just get out of here before my dad comes. Do you want him to kill you or someting?"

"Then why the f*k should i leave you with this goddamn psychopath?!"

Sicheng was really nervous, his heart pounding so fast. A stupid feeling of joy and excitement was filling his whole body from seeing Yuta but at the same time he was really angry and terrified. This was driving Sicheng crazy.

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