Chapter Two

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Dina Murry's POV

I stared at Draco in complete disbelief.

"Dina, you have to understand that –"

"Flipendo!" I yelled as I pointed my wand at him and Draco grunted as he was aggressively thrown to the ground and I charged at him furiously as he tried to stand back up on the grass that belonged on Malfoy grounds.

Before he could stand up however, I reached him and threw a bone crushing punch against his jaw.

"Bloody hell, Dina!" He yelled.

"Don't bloody hell me, Malfoy! You fucking brought me to my damn prison!" I screamed as I kicked his side.

Before I could cause any more harm on him, I was forcefully shoved to the side and thrown into someone's grasp, toppling my wand on the grass in the process. Lucius Malfoy stood beside his son as he watched me neutrally after picking up my wand and hiding it in his robes.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked as I struggled underneath the person's iron tight grip.

Draco stood up quickly and glared harshly at me.

"You think you can just bad mouth me all you want because you're a Murry? How can you even take pride in your last name when you have run away from it?" He spat harshly and although his words made me wince, my murderous glare did not falter.

"You have absolutely no right to tell me what I should and should not take pride in, you foul, loathsome git!" I yelled as I kept struggling to escape whoever held me against their chest.

"Now, now, Dina. There is no need for such hostility. You are our guest, after all." Lucius spoke amusedly and I scrunched up my face in pure hatred.

"Fenrir – the parlour, if you please." Lucius commanded whoever held me and I was instantly carried and shoved inside Malfoy Manor.

I recognised the name 'Fenrir' before, and I knew that it was Fenrir Greyback, an immensely loyal Death Eater who also happened to be a Werewolf.

I was vigorously thrown into a room and I groaned in pain when my elbow hit the harsh wooden floor. I immediately scrambled off the floor and stood straight, coming face to face with two, absolutely fuming parents.

I smirked at my parents mockingly and I finally let out a disbelieving laugh. "What? Was an invitation too old fashioned for you that you decided to come snatch me instead?"

My father glared at me with a disgusted look on his face, while Mother only let herself look victorious because of my capture.

"Dina. We meet again at last." She spoke and moved forward with her arms open and a fake smile plastered on her rebuking face.

I scrunched up my own face in repugnance and took a step backwards, holding my palm to face them.

"Don't take another step near me or I swear I will make you vomit your own blood until you are completely drained." I mercilessly spat my threat that I had no issue in doing.

My father cackled beside his wife as he watched me carefully. "What an empty threat! My dear daughter, you are wandless, meaning you are quite inoperable."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "And you assume that I have been playing around during my four years of running? My dear father," I mocked him and stepped forward towards him. "I know magic that none of you know and dare I say it, not even that Dark Lord knows –"

My parents gasped simultaneously.

"YOU DARE DISRESPECT MY MASTER?! YOU FOOLISH LITTLE GIRL –" Mother whipped out her wand and pointed it at me but before she could scream a spell directed towards me, I flipped my wrist in a specific motion that I mastered during my days back in New Orleans, where I had stumbled upon a witch named Davina Claire, who happened to be Kol's girlfriend. She was quite the talented witch who had the same air of arrogance like mine when it came to the witches of her coven. She and I grew very close during my four years in New Orleans; she was a smart witch that happened to be my age as well, and we were inseparable. She taught me her magic and I taught her mine.

My parents both clutched their heads and screamed in agony as their figures slumped on the wooden floor and I watched them writhe from the pain I callously inflicted upon them.

"You see, with all my connections with the people I have come across during my time away, you are no match for me. That pathetic Cruciatus Curse is child play for me." I spat angrily.

"Enough!" Growled Fenrir and I turned around sharply to look at the beast before me, lifting the painful spell off my ungrateful parents and glaring at him.

Fenrir focused on my parents instead, and behind him stood the Malfoys along with Draco's aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, another loyal death eater, who stood in a mesmerised trance as she surveyed me curiously.

She stepped forwards slightly. "By Salazar's name ..." She murmured as her gaze lingered on me so long that it caused my discomfort.

Bellatrix glanced back at Fenrir and the Malfoys.

"Did you just see that? Did you just see what the girl did?" She asked energetically then whipped her head around to face me again, her black wild curls of her hair bouncing in the process.

"Surely you must possess a great deal of power to use wandless magic." She spoke to me.

I flared my nostrils and stuck my nose in the air arrogantly and pursed my lips. "I do. The past four years have not gone to waste. Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to leave this inferior place, because I certainly do not belong here –"

"Oh no, dear, trust me. With what you just did, you belong here more than you might think. And besides, you are a Murry, and any member of that family is welcome in Malfoy Manor." Bellatrix interrupted me then snapped her attention to her sister.

"Right Cissy?" She asked threateningly.

Narcissa Malfoy visibly gulped and tightened her grip on Draco's shoulder.

"Of course, Bella." She replied.

"Good." Bellatrix smiled like a lunatic at me and Lucius stepped forward as well.

"The Dark Lord will want to see her soon. We best keep an eye on her –"

"I am not going to spend another second here if that's what you're thinking! This is outrageous! You think you can get in my way? Well I'd be damned –"

But I guess that my high arrogance is not always beneficial, because while I was too distracted with talking about how high and mighty I was, I did not notice Father inch closer and closer behind me before casting a spell on me that had me drop onto the floor unconscious.

Damn my stupid arrogance that will be the death of me one day. It reminded me of Kol and Klaus, that were incredibly arrogant and constantly spoke so highly of themselves. I guess the main reason as to why the two of them got along just fine with me more than the others was because of my equal arrogance.

"Where do you suggest we keep her until his arrival?" I heard Father speak, but I could not stay awake any longer, for the spell has taken its toll and I lost complete consciousness.

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