Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Dina Murry's POV

I was perched up on the window ledge in the Room of Requirement, my back facing the window while I watched Draco Malfoy examine the broken Vanishing Cabinet. The only sounds that could be heard were Draco's shuffling, and the violent shower of rainfall outside. I smiled in content as I admired him work, even though I should be up on my feet and giving him a hand, but I couldn't help but stare at him and allow my feelings for him to gradually grow by the second. We've been through so much together, and it was quite ludicrous to believe that we haven't even known each other for a year - it was only a few months. It feels as though it has been decades ago since the day I bumped into him at that dingy muggle pub. Although he is the reason for the lack of freedom I am facing, he is also the cause of so many beautiful things in my life. I found comfort and love in him, those of which now I have gotten a taste of, I can't see myself living without. He gave me passage to the education of proper magic I craved to learn in the institution I always I dreamt of attending. He introduced me to friends that make my life a whole lot brighter.

"You gonna help me with this piece of junk instead of ogling me or what?" His voice was hinting humor as he teasingly shot me a smirk, and he ran his fingers through his platinum blonde locks, easing the knots that have formed in the stressed movements of him attempting to fix the cabinet. Oh, how I found that undeniably attractive.

I grinned at him as I hopped off the window ledge and slowly approached him, and my eyebrows raising slightly.

As I wrapped my arms around his torso and gently pulled him up against me, Draco shot his eyebrows up in amusement and his hand reached for my crimson hair, twirling a strand absentmindedly as he cheekily said, "oh, well look what's happening here."

I huffed a short laugh as I buried my face against his chest covered by his Slytherin sweater, and I inhaled his intoxicating cologne that wafted welcomingly into my nostrils and left me swooning, my knees giving way and Draco immediately holding my waist to steady me.

"I wish we didn't have to be burdened with this." I murmured against the fabric of his sweater, and I heard him sigh above my head before chastely kissing my hair softly.

"I know, love. I know."

I sighed solemnly before unwillingly pulling away and retorting, "well then let's get bloody going on this thing, shall we?"

I pulled out my wand from my pocket and glared defeatedly at the Broken Cabinet.

Lord only knows what would happen to Draco and I if we were to turn up to Malfoy Manor during Spring Break empty handed.


Draco Malfoy's POV

It was quite refreshing having Dina back in my arms and being loving and supportive once more. The added relationship stress I've been dealing with along with Nott's incessant attempts at sweeping my girlfriend off her feet have gravely affected my performance at trying to fix the Cabinet (not that I've been successful prior to this chain of events anyway). Now that I have Dina back, she's been trying to fix the cabinet with me, and although we're nowhere near coming to a solution on how to fix it, it's comforting to share a dreaded burden with another soul.

I walked into the Great Hall later that evening with purpose, my eyes laxly fixed upon the spot where we usually sat, and I plopped down beside Dina, casually pecking her red lips softly and facing Blaise and Theodore on the other end.

"Where've you been, Malfoy?" Blaise asked curiously and I rolled my eyes.

"Honestly Zabini, you're not even the girlfriend but you sure as hell act like it." I snarked calmly and reached over for a bowl of rice.

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