Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

-Dina Murry's POV-

I fidgeted in my spot in front of the full length mirror in my dormitory which I shared with four other girls. I stressfully smoothed out all the creases from my navy blue dress as I pierced my sight on my body frame judgmentally. The dress had two thick straps clasped onto my shoulder blades, and was tight around my bodice, and flowed like a princess dress starting from the waist and downwards, and reached just above my knees. The dress had glitter scattered all over it to give it a glow, and for the shoes, I wore a pair of silver heels, and clasped onto my ears were a pair of diamond earrings I had made Kol compel a store man to get for me, and a simple silver necklace with a single small diamond dangling from it.

My violently red hair was tied up into a low bun, with a few strands escaping and framing my face. I had applied a few layers of mascara onto my eyelashes, a bit of eyeliner, and applied a thin coat of lipgloss to make my lips shine slightly, not needing to add lipstick because my lips were naturally dark red anyway.

I smiled at my reflection, but that happiness soon dissipated when my grey eyes landed on my left forearm, where my Dark Mark was concealed from sight thanks to an advanced charm I had stumbled upon when I was in the restricted section of the library one day (before Draco and I lashed out on each other). I had, of course shared the spell with Draco to help him conceal his mark as well.

I pouted slightly at the thought of Draco. My heart clenched and tugged at my chest and I felt my breathing waver. I haven't spoken to him in ages. We'd share awkward glances in the Great Hall and such, and it hurts because he had wormed his way to my heart, and it saddened me that we can't even say hello to one another.

Perhaps I was wrong when I had yelled to Draco that I don't want to be involved in anything evil anymore. I knew we were in this together, and I couldn't just back out, but I can't help it. It was evil forces that snatched Davina from the people she loved, and I didn't want to be part of the evil forces. It would portray betrayal not only to Davina, but to myself and Kol, Klaus, everyone I loved dearly.

I sighed and shook my head, discarding my dreaded thoughts out of my head, before I heard a gasp in the room. I turned around and saw Daphne standing at the door, her eyes on me, with a huge grin on her face as she surveyed me. I found myself smiling at her as well.

Daphne was dressed in a rich, dark green coloured dress, that was long enough to drag against the floor, with a slit that reached just below her knees. Her hair was curled and left without anything tying it, and she looked as beautiful as ever. Today was the first Slugclub party, and although I personally believed that Professor Slughorn is quite the absurd man, I didn't want to decline his invitation, because that would be impolite, and certainly unwise. If Slughorn favored me, his interest in me could be an advantage in the future if I ever got in trouble. He'd have my back.

"My, my, Greengrass. Zabini won't be able to take his eyes off you." I mused with a slight smirk on my face.

Daphne laughed. "Look who's talking. Not only will Theodore eye-shag you, but all the boys in this party will."

I shook my head while laughing, my cheeks tinting pink at the mention of Theodore Nott. Theo had asked me to be his date at the party about two weeks ago, and I honestly didn't know how to react. How could anyone know how to react when Theodore Nott asks you to be his date?


"I don't get why you had to drag me out of the Great Hall while I was in the middle of eating dinner, which is rude by the way, so I don't -"

I was interrupted by Theodore pushing me into an empty classroom and locking it quickly before turning around to face me, a wild, untamed smile on his face. Ignoring my hammering heart against my ribcage, I mustered up the courage to ask, "what are we doing here?"

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