Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Theodore Nott's POV

Dina and I were sitting in the common room on Friday night, working on our essays for Transfiguration due next week. We were sitting together on the couch that faced the green-flamed fireplace, and I slowly, subconsciously found my focus on my essay dropping, and I let myself stare out the common room's windows thoughtfully.

I stared at the way the marine creatures slowly swam around the murky waters of the Black Lake, lazily lounging about in the depths of the lake, and I allowed my thoughts to run free in my mind.

It's been three days since I spotted Dina crying in the hallway, and ever since then, she and Draco have been avoiding each other like either one of them was the plague. It really puzzled me, because Dina and Draco were always inseparable, however, to be quite frank, I wasn't complaining. The less time they spent together, was more time for me to grow closer to Dina and show her that I can treat her far better than Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy was my friend, and I cared a lot about him, but, Dina Murry is the girl I inevitably found myself falling in love with, and if I have to fight for her, then I will, without a shadow of a doubt.

"Theo, honestly, you have to focus if you actually want to get this over with."

Dina's voice interrupted me from my thoughts, and I snapped my gaze at her, and I felt my knees turn into jelly as I stared at her. The glowing fireplace casted a hollow shadow on her beautiful face, giving off the illusion that she was a mystery to be uncovered, and in a way, she was. I don't exactly know everything about her, but I wanted to.

Her grey eyes were staring back at me, and her pretty, red lips were twitching into a kind smile, her facial features soft and mesmerising, and it took everything in me not to grab her by the waist and plant a firm kiss on her lips. If I wanted her to be with me, then I had to be subtle.

"Who said I wanted to get this over with, Din? Spending time with you is all anyone could ever wish for." I shamelessly flirted, and shot her a cheeky wink.

Dina fought the urge to reveal a smile on her face, and she tucked a strand of her bright red hair behind her ear, and focused her vision on her own essay.

"Yeah, well not like this. I want to finish this before dinner – I'm starving." She whined and clutched her stomach, throwing her back against the back of the couch, and shutting her eyes in annoyance.

I laughed lightly at the sight of her, and I casually stretched my arm on the back of the couch, and my fingers came in contact with her hair, and I found myself weaving them through it and rubbed her scalp soothingly.

I noticed Dina's tense body relax almost immediately at my gesture, and I smirked. It was working.

"I am such a mess." She mumbled, and I frowned.

"Why would you say that about yourself?"

Dina opened her eyes and glanced at me miserably. "I can't write an essay, I am always hungry, and I can't even have a civilised relationship with my boyfriend."

I raised an eyebrow and tapped Dina's head with my hand gently. "That doesn't make you a mess, Dina. You're human – you're not meant to do things perfectly all the time."

Dina blinked at me blankly, and asked in disbelief, "How do you do that?"

I smiled. "Do what?"

"How are you always so bloody calm?" She queried in annoyance, and I threw my head back laughing.

"I just simply care less about things, Dina Murry. The less you care, the more you can enjoy your life." I mused lightly and she hummed in response.

Tapping her quill against her cheek in thought, she said, "Well, I don't know how to care less."

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