Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Dina Murry's POV

The following day, Draco, Theodore and Pansy I sat ourselves at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, having breakfast, with Draco seated beside me and Theodore and Pansy on our opposite side, facing us.

Theodore slowly chewed on his crisped brown, buttered toast as he stared at the Great Hall's entrance, unblinking.

Draco noticed this, and he snapped his fingers close to Theo's face, who – in reaction, flinched away and finally blinked.

"What're you gawping at?" Draco asked curiously.

Theodore shrugged, and tore off a chunk of the toast and noisily chewed, perhaps on purpose to piss off Draco, seeing as though Draco loathed lack of etiquettes.

"I just find it strange that Blaise and Daph haven't showed up last night. It's odd, isn't it? We heard nothing from them during the holidays, and they didn't even come to Hogwarts." Theodore spoke curiously as he munched on his toast.

I gulped and uncomfortably shifted in my seat, sneakily glancing at my boyfriend, who casually gulped down his pumpkin juice.

"Well, I'm sure they have their reasons, or whatever. Please don't become as nosy as Parkinson." Draco mused laxly and took a small bite from his bacon on his plate.

It really amazed me how undeniably good of a liar he was and hiding his feelings. I wish I could be like that, but I certainly can't grow talents in less than a day.

Pansy glowered at Draco, but there was no denying the obvious glint of hurt exposed in her eyes directed at Draco, as she furiously snapped, "There is nothing wrong with being nosy. It's not a bad thing to be aware of everything."

"If that's what you tell yourself to comfortably sleep at night, then yeah, sure Pansy." Draco responded smoothly, not even sparing her a glance.

Theodore snorted, shook his head and stared at the last bit of toast held in his head, evidently thinking of something.

Pansy's eyes began watering, and for a moment, I actually felt sorry for her, but then my eyes flickered over to the Great Hall's entrance, and my heart literally fell to my arse at the sight before me.

"Guys, look." I spoke breathlessly, and the three of them followed my gaze quietly.

Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass were strolling into the Great Hall, having a deep conversation, smiles on both of their faces, with not a single scratch or cut, bruise or stitch on their bodies. They were breathing. They were alive.

"What the bloody hell?" I mumbled under my breath, and shot Draco a bewildered glance.

Draco was staring at them with his mouth open slightly, and his eyes wide with sheer shock.

As they drew nearer to us, I took note of how they were holding hands, and my confusion kept growing by the second. I needed to talk to Draco about this the moment we get to be alone.

"Hello, guys! Had a good holiday?" Daphne chirped happily as she looked at all of us, but Draco and I were far too alarmed to respond.

Blaise was smiling too as they both sat down on Pansy's side.

Theodore was smirking knowingly at them, and his eyes flashed with amusement. I knew a Theodore Theory was about to be discussed.

"My guess is you guys finally tied the bloody knot and shagged over the holidays, and you lost track of time and missed the Hogwarts Express because you were too busy doing naughty little thi –"

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